Friday, August 30, 2013

Random Photo - Silly Sometimes…


Sometimes you just need to give yourself permission to be silly. 

Lighten up! 

It’s kind of a powerful thing, being silly. 

It can diffuse almost the most tense situations. 

If you’re steaming over something, think of changing it up by choosing not to allow it to wreck your own world, instead I dare you to do something just… dumb, or corny or both

“Silly” is a breath of fresh air. 

Silly (and I’m talking about appropriate silly - you are, after all an adult and know what the line is with silliness) can be a breath of fresh air.  It can cut through tension, it can create endorphins. 

Sure, you risk being ridiculed and all that, but its totally worth it.  Silly can show you’re brave enough to let go of being proper in order to be lovable and vulnerable. 

What’s the last silly thing you did?


  1. Silly all the time silly silly all the time, being a Nutbar runs in the family sisterwister. I can do crazy at the drop of a hat. Love this picture of you.

  2. I love your silly. You are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. Love and hugs, Debbie

  3. Love the picture,but I know for sure you don't have is fun to be silly sometimes.
    Blessing's Jocelan

  4. Good evening Barb:)
    You look so CUTE with your new antlers!! They suit you..cause you are such a DEER friend.:) You wouldn't be YOU if you weren't SILLY sometimes.hehe I LOVE your sense of humor.:)<3



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