Saturday, May 02, 2009

Lou is NEW (her grand entrance to DSO)

Yeah Yeah! Kim was queued up to be next, and AmyW... but sigh sigh sigh - newness wins out. For I remember what it was like to be a new designer. And what it SHOULD be like LOL (hanging my head in embarrassment for by this time I SHOULD be a designer but its just not worked out this way, and I kept HOPING for it to happen but am realizing its probably not realistic) HOWEVER - all the more reason to celebrate my friends who ARE designers. Ok, off the soap-box here.

Louise, so fondly known to all of us as LOU-CEE, has thrown her hat into the ring and is now officially a designer for ... (trumpets) DSO! She's got two kits up for sale - both LOVELY! So, why not check out her blog to find out all the details on how you too can own these pretty designs - at 40% for an introductory savings. Click on the graphics to be taken to Louise's Blog!


Ohhh - so soft and lovely - perfect for your spring layouts!


And this NEWS TO ME kit is soooo pretty that I opened it immediately after downloading and whipped up a card for my friend Angie's birthday!



I can see many, many great projects coming from this kit, how about you?

Ok, now to go and work with and upcoming kit from KimB and some terrific items from AmyW. (rushing off!)

We got away for a night of camping on Thursday - I will post on this in a day or two, just need to catch my breath! Have a wonderful last 1/2 of the weekend.


  1. Louise is a FANTASTIC designer!! i LOVE her free goodies too! And that card you made is absolutely WoNDERFUL!!! i see ALOT of GREAT things from those kits, for sure!!
    You asked about the flowers in my last layout (on my blog), those were somewhere in New York where my son lives! probably a park somewhere as i KNOW he didn't grow them! lol :) Thank you so much for asking! Have an AWESOME evening!

  2. Love those blues - a perfectly lovely kit.

  3. Barb, are you and Miles hitting the road this year? I sure would love to see you if you are heading out our way.

    Much love,


  4. Good Morning Barb:)
    Just popped in again to see what you have been up to.:)
    Your card is gorgeous!I LOVE it! Isn't it wonderful to have those fantastic kits to play with?:)

    Have a wonderful day today! Hope you have more sunshine to enjoy!We have been getting liquid sunshine.LOL

    Love and hugs,

  5. OOOOH SPRING!! lol, just about took me all of winter to catch up- ROTF!
    Well ok, Spring for you- Autumn for me.
    AHHHH Loucee is just AWESOME and Barb that card is just toooo beautiful-
    and the Rooster MORE SO!
    I love the painting- goodness and gracious and a lot of *beeb beebs*- hahah- Girl you are a natural talent at everything you do!
    Thanks for being the *cheerleader* GF, it is muchly appreciated!

    Now off to read LATER posts as I got to the bottom and thought I had better just say Hi at you latest post, becuase you KNOW I'm blonde and will eventually forget where I am- HEE HEE!!

  6. love the card you made ...way to go ....glad to hear you and Miles are getting in some camping ...yes Loucee is an awesome designer ..but I know you are to to you soon ..



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