Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ack! The Gurl Drives...


She's going to SO kill me for this picture - I'm sure! Well maybe not but she could at least drive down and wring my neck if she wanted now. Moms are SO corny, right?

Ok, well it felt totally weird but our girl got her licence - finally! She's in her 20's but I never got mine until I was 28. I don't recall what the holdup was for me, I guess I managed to get around on my two legs (is this why my knees are sounding like sandpaper these days?) Anyways I think I truly appreciated it when I finally did it - and so I am knowing how wonderful this must feel to our girl.


Anyways, just a few days after getting her hot little hands on her licence she calls up out of the blue on Sunday evening and says she's coming down. Not for a reason or out of duty, just coming down because she wants to hang out with us. So she came and scooped me (Mr. Miles had a meeting) and we went to Tim Hortons and she treated me to an Ice Cap. It DID feel very strange having HER drive ME! And wonderful. Seems like yesterday she was 'driving' one of those little hard plastic push toys on the sidewalk.


So, to redeem myself (and get taken out for more Tims in the future) here's a real pretty picture of us.

And in honour of this milestone event, I created a small element pack for you. Its personal use only. Hope you enjoy!




  1. Awwwe!! You two look great together! I´m so happy for her. Pass on my congrats to her.
    I remember when I went for my first drive with my girls, after they got their license....I was a bit scared! They were only 16! But now a days they are really good drivers.

  2. What a fun post! And the elemens are adorable... Great photos - thanks for sharing.


  3. my goodness you two look like sisters!!! i am surprised no one else thought this too! :) Big CONGRATS to her and thank you for sharing the GREAT news AND FUN elements! Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)

  4. AnonymousMay 20, 2009

    really Fun elements & original idea ( first time I see this ! ) Amazing idea , thanks a lot :-) !

  5. You two look so alike!

    Love the freebie - great fun :)


  6. Congratulations to your DD and dont you just LURVE those iced caps?!!! Yummmm!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend Barbs!!!


  7. How cute! You two look like sisters, young and beautiful! How cool is that LO.

    Congrats to your daughter, she's lovely.

    Keep smilin' ... HUGZ!


  8. Thursday night I will treat myself to a large Butter Caramel Smoothie. No other danishes etc because thehot smoothie is soooo sweet but so incredibly wonderful....My hips thanks me each and every time I have one... ROFL!!!!

    What do you recommend? Every month I switch it up.

  9. way to go Mel awesome she picked you up and out for Tim' and daughter awesome ...

  10. lol! on those elements Barb.. they will make a great congrats card, My son's fiance passed her test today, so that's got me thinking1
    congrats to your girl too! and here's to many more treats at Tim Hortons!

  11. AnonymousMay 20, 2009

    Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements or Papers post on May. 20, 2009. Thanks again.

  12. Good Evening Barb:)
    Soo cool! CONGRATULATIONS on the drivers license for DD!! Hope she makes more trips now to take you to Tim Hortons.When my Mom and I get's pretty much a "given" that we will go to Dairy Queen before our outing is over.:) Mom and I went out one time together and stopped at Dairy Queen.The weather was freezing and the wind blowing sooo hard and biting into us..but we still stopped to get an ice cream.Took it out to the van and when we got in we looked at each other and said...this is really stupid isn't it?Almost at the same time.hehe We were laughing so hard!:)
    Love your photos and I sure don't look like Mother and daughter! I bet you had a blast!:)
    Thanks for the cool elements!!

    Love and hugs,

  13. Oye... this couldn't have been given out at a better time!!! My darling little girl just got her license today!!!! Oh..... they do grow up too fast!!! Thank you for this!!!

  14. Oh that is a reason to celebrate! Love the pics my friend! You too do look a lot alike!

  15. AnonymousMay 21, 2009

    Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 May [LA 02:50am, NY 04:50am, UK 09:50am, OZ 07:50pm] ).

  16. Well done to DD, and thanks to you for the great freebie

  17. what a pretty mom/daughter team you make! Thank you for the cute elements!

  18. This is cute--thank you!

  19. Gorgeous photos. You two really do look like sisters.

  20. Gorgeous ladies, you both are!
    I didn't get my license until 21. Never had the need for one!


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