Monday, May 11, 2009

Too Busy, Cloudscapes and Congrats!

I am sorry I've not been very consistent with my posts - I'm still finding myself way too busy. This is not a bad thing - in fact the irony of it all is that it generates more blog-fodder than I could ever time time to write about... only now I don't have the time to do that. Seems silly. So please forgive me if I've not visited your blogs lately - I'm going to do a morning of sit & sip and catch up with you as soon as I am able! Its not for a lack of 'want to' LOL!

I had a lovely Mother's Day! The best ever, in fact. As I was thinking on it, about how Mother's Day is a day to give and receive honour to our Mom's, and as Moms... I turned this idea around - I wrote a love-letter to our children. For, without being able to "Mother" them, my role would be unfulfilled. It would be like a musician never being able to touch an instrument, an artist with no paper nor pencil or brush. The joy of being a Mom is truly only realized when your role is recognised, encouraged.

I thank God for our children. My cup truly runs over!


Saturday was a day of amazing cloudscapes. I made myself wander outdoors several times throughout the day - each time the sky had rearranged to make a new stunning scene. It was breathtaking. I should have made a bowl of popcorn and kicked back in a lawnchair all day to watch the show being played out. I did take photos to share. I'm going to post a few here - and I've also made a slideshow which I'll try to host at the side of my blog!







Short and sweet - last but not least, I'd like to say CONGRATULATIONS to my friend JanMary - who's just opened her own ETSY shop, featuring her beautiful, wearable art! You can find her blog HERE, and her shop HERE!


  1. I love the cloud photo´s!! I took some myself this weekend too. :)
    Glad you had a good Mother´s day. It is like you wrote....what would we be without being able to mother them?!

  2. BUSY? Such a familiar sound! Oh Barb, I do agree that all of the busyness makes for WONDERFUL blogging and I am SO happy that you had such a LOVELY Mother's Day!

    I feel as you do, without my children, I would NOT have the opportunity to participate in the MOST wonderful role of MOTHERHOOD! I love my children MORE than words can express and was blessed to have physically spent my day with two of them yesterday!

    CLOUDS! Oh my! I would be right beside you in that lawn chair girlfriend!!! Robert and I love to sit out on our deck and just observe nature. I must blog about my Dr. Dolittle whilst I am thinking of it! GORGEOUS snaps of your sky art darlin'! Thank you for sharing with us!

    Wishing you a MOST gorgeous week my friend and I shall catch you on the flip-side!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda :)

  3. Good Evening Barb:)
    I finally got a chance to stop by and see your beautiful cloud pics.WOW! You should have sat in that lawn chair all day! Such a gorgeous work of art the Lord displayed for you.:) The sky has been just beautiful when it isn't trying to rain here lately.I actually called Jim at work last week and asked him to walk outside to look at the clouds.He told his employees his wife wanted him to look at the clouds and did it.LOL

    I am sooo happy you had a wonderful Mother's day.:)I am also happy you are back!!LOL

    Love and hugs,

  4. love the photos...awsome job ..glad to hear you had an awesome Mother's day sis and can't wait for our visit and time..

  5. Good to see you back ... I was starting to worry!

    Thanks for the mention.

    Love the dramatic cloud photos.

    Sounds like a wonderful Mothers Day - typical you, it should be about YOU, but you write letters to your kids :)

  6. oh those clouds photos are WONDERFUL!! :) i am sooo HAPPY that you had a GREAT Mother's day, you sooooo deserve it! HUGS!! looking forward to when you have more time cuz i MISS YA! Have a TERRIFIC day!

  7. oooooh ... wonderful cloudscapes. I've been kinda busy myself and am just now catching up on my blog reading. Being a Mom ... even if only of a little puppy is EXHAUSTING!

  8. Love the photo's Barb, your talent with your camera is amazing. Thank you so very much for sharing. I know the feeling of being busy :).

    Lova Ya Sis


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