Friday, May 15, 2009

Pretty Petals, Aches and Pains, Useful App and a Free Element!


I'm going to post some of the photos I took in the orchard blossoms the other day - so pretty. I experimented a bit and have decided some of these are best in black and white.

I'll toss in some of my aches and pains and woes here, just bypass this bit if you've got groans of your own or find it depressing. LOL! I lost my temporary cap on the tooth I had worked on last week. It had some sort of temporary stuff on to protect what they will build on, while the gold cap is being made up. I did not even think about it, and when something got lodged in between I used a toothpick and.... ya. Of course the dentist is closed until next week - not open on a friday. Such is life in a small town.


And, last week when my Mr. actually dragged his ailing body to the Dr's I was all set to cave and book a physical. Well, the new incoming doctor is not accepting any physicals at the moment. Ok, if you have something that is laying you out then they will get you in, but if not then you have to wait. I don't like to go in at all - so though I have some concerns I guess it can wait. Remind me in three months ok?


So, mainly what I was worried about is that my feet have been hurting. Like I would get up first thing in the morning and as soon as my lil paws hit the floor I'd think "Wow!" {something's wrong here!} It hurt! But after a while it would sort of go away. Well, its been sort of off and on.

And so I'd think I need to work out more so I'd go on the elliptical or a good stompin' walk in the orchard rows. And I'd feel fine. Oh, I was SO confused.


Thank goodness my daughter did some research for me and I think we have it nailed. After reading THIS article I'm sure its plantar fasciitis. Every single thing listed here is my symptoms to a tee. So it looks like I'm going to have to take it easy on my feet. For me, this is SO hard to do.

Enough of my 'stuff' and onto more good things - after a few more pretty pics, of course!



I could not resist to do that last one in color. It was so soft and beautiful on the 'bee on a dandelion' view! {there's no bee there, its just how I think a bee must see things - perhaps with a mazillion facets coz they have them crazy facetted eyes. think its like a kaleidoscope to them?}


I think this application sounds just wonderful for fonts - especially being one you don't have to download, you can use it online! This guy has such a great sense of geeky humour!



As promised - I've created a high-quality house element. I'm offering it in black and white as well as a wood texture look - like in the preview. I really would love to see how you use it - why not send me small jpg of your layout and I'll feature you here? To download the element just click on the graphic and it will take you to the download link. I am using I think ROCKS and they just added some AMAZING features for presentations in real time etc... so you may want to check that out as well while you are there. There is a reason PC Magazine gives them top accolades!

Have a wonderful, safe (long for us in Canada) weekend! If you find yourself with some free time and want to do some scrapbooking... then you're going to want to scoot over to KIMS coz she is having a big sale on some amazing products!


  1. Have a lovely weekend, and take care of those feet - they are the only 2 you've got!

    Beautiful photos, especially love the last one.

  2. Lovely photos - but sorry to hear about your feet. If you're game, try looking into "plantar fasciitis yoga." What you're looking for is how yoga can help that condition. My DIL has (had!) that condition for years, and this is what helped her. Also, LOVE the old house - thank you, sweetie!

  3. It's me again! I forgot to thank you for the video - that's a great find! But I do like Comic Sans - LOL!

  4. I was so worried about your feet while reading this, but am so glad you/your daughter decided to do some research on the problem and you will be taking it easy on them! Even if you think you know what it is, don´t forget that physical ok?? And take it easy!
    I love the photos but my fave is the colored one! I love colors! :)
    Have a good long weekend!

  5. AnonymousMay 15, 2009

    Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements or Papers post on May. 15, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. As soon as started reading about your footsie problem I thought "plantar fascitis ... and low and behold ... you already came to that conclusion. Yes, no running! What shape are your runners in. Maybe get a different brand once you get through this.

    Miles is still ailing? I do hope he is in recovery mode! Is this a flare up of that back thing?

    Are you still able to go a visiting? or are you staying low key?

  7. AnonymousMay 15, 2009

    Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 15 May [LA 07:18pm, NY 09:18pm] - 16 May [UK 02:18am, OZ 12:18pm] ).

  8. lovely lighting in the b/w pics Barb.
    many years ago, I snapped a front tooth in half... my mistake, i blew in an afghan hounds ear and she shook her head, that hard little dome is what broke my tooth! that'll teach me! i was 17 at the time, so didn't know better, anyway, it was a Friday evening, my nerve endings were exposed and I was in excruciating pain, couldn't even breath without a lot of agony. The hospital wouldn't help and the dentist would not see me til monday.. something i would not wish on anyone!
    so here's hoping you did not suffer too much when you lost your temporary cap!
    hugs to you, and have a wonderful weekend!
    lou xx

  9. Thanks so much for this great house - I have friends who are always talking about getting a "fixer upper" so I think I'll use this to make them a card!

  10. loe the pics ...and the old house ...might have to give it a whirl see what I can created. Have a great long weekend ...all our love


  11. thanks so much hun! I have two broken teeth and am currently unemployed with no money to fix them, so believe me when I say I feel your pain! take care of you!

  12. Thank you so much for the old house element it is wonderful. God bless.

  13. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    I DID make it here..finally!!LOL Wow..what fantastic photo's.
    Sooo sorry to hear about your poor feet.I just remembered when reading the article you linked us to..that my Mom had that problem several years ago.Can't remember what she told me she had to do.I think it was rubbing her foot across a tennis ball..back and forth to loosen the ligament.She hurt for quite a while.Sure hope yours isn't bad.:( Hope you get your tooth fixed soon don't do things in small size do you?
    I will be praying for you my friend.:)
    Oh..thank you for the cool old house!

    hehe:)Thought you'd get a kick out of this one.:)

    Love and hugs,

  14. i am so sorry to hear about your cap! where is the dentist when ya really need one! :) and i sure hope you do let the dr. treat your feet so you are not in pain or try the yoga maybe! :) Your photos are absolutely LOVELY in B&W or color! you have such a good eye for just the right shot! :)
    i am anxious to check out the video and will tonite! sounds interesting & useful!!
    oh and thank you for sharing that GREAT house!! HUGS! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!! :)

  15. AnonymousMay 16, 2009

    Bonjour Mrs Miles,
    Your pictures are really nice.
    I looked at the video...It was a good thing i had the subject so i could understand 25% of it ! Otherwise, i would only have remembered the given email !! That is good to know. Unhappily, i didn't understand the email of the man speaking as i'm interested in computer and all ideas are precious.Thank you !
    Merci BEAUCOUP too for this beautiful old house !
    C from Paris :D

  16. Mrs Miles, I just LOVE your photos! A little bit of coinckydink - I just happened to take a photo of a dandelion yesterday, and when I came to your blog, what should I see but some lovely dandelion pics! LOL!
    I've started a new thing on my blog called "Simple Things" - I'm posting photos that make me happy! And yesterdays is the dandelion ;)

    Hope you're feeling SO much better!

    And thank you for your encouragement. It's special coming from you!

    Off to get ready for church! Have a blessed Sunday :)

  17. Oh hey there! I'm back finally, the headache is gone for now thankfully because we are in the middle of working out or veg garden.

    I love the pictures, I spent a minute looking for the bee and realized there was none, hehe!

    Take care of your tooth and feet sweetie! I had pulled the muscle on the arch of my foot last December, after spending the whole day baking and cooking, well only recently the pain went away, now I use my runners indoors especially when you're stuck standing in one spot for long periods of time...

    Hope you're having a great long weekend sweetie ... me we are headed outside just wanted to say hi and bless you for your friendship. HUGZ!


  18. Ouch that sounds painful! Hope you are able to take it easy. That is always hard for me :o)

    Love, love, love the pictures. Beautiful my friend!

    Hope you are enjoying your long weekend! I can't wait for ours next week!

  19. Ohh your poor feet, make sure you take care of them. Thank you for the freebie and the great video. See you in email :)



  20. Forgot to mention these amazing photos, you are a rock star big sis, and your talent is amazing.

    Me again :)

  21. Love the pictures. I was looking for that bee and thought that I needed to get stronger glasses. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and the nice comment.

    In His Grace,

  22. I just love your photos, they are beautiful! I am always partial to b & w photos! Thanks for that font picker video, going to go check it out!

  23. Oh Dear Barb, bless your heart! I hope and pray your foot woes are remedied soon. I deal with tender and painful feet on occasion but mine is when my fibro flares up.

    I can also relate with the temporary tooth and I have actually swallowed a loose crown in the past year or so! ACK! I called a nurse advice line to if it was cause for alarm! LOL!

    GORGEOUS photos as they ALWAYS are. I'm in a bit of hurry this evening and I just wished to say that I am sorry that I missed you the other day on Yahoo. My hours have been turned around since having to pick up my son in the middle of the night and I am sitting here yawning my head off as I type! Need to find my pillow early tonight since John has driven himself to work this evening - YAY!

    Take care love and I will come back and watch the font video tomorrow. It looks to be VERY interesting and entertaining!

    Love atcha girlie,
    Linda :)

    P.S. VERY, VERY cool 'ol house! MWAH!


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