Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We Love Tim Hortons!

Some countries have their Krispy Kremes and EVERYONE has Starbucks, but here in Canada we have our Tim Hortons. What is Tim Hortons you ask? Its our favorite Doughnut spot. With several dozen styles of signature donuts, muffins, bagels and other baked goodies its a place where little kids press their faces against the glass display (while us adults would LOVE to but know better) Its our own Canadian coffee spot where its always clean, friendly and fast. And its open late - an anomaly in a small town like ours.

So the other night after helping my Mr. at school he offered to take me out and I leapt at the chance. Donuts AND a Date? Woo Hoo!

So we are sitting at a small window on the side of the building which gives us a view of the drive through window, when Mr's eyes seem to wander from mine. Well, knowing he'd never look at another woman - truly - I asked him what it was that was taking his attention from me. He replied, in a bemused tone "A horse is in the drive-thru" So, ok, I KNOW its been a 12 hour day for him but surely I've not entirely caused him to hallucinate? So I lean over to see...

Yep, thats definately a horse at the drive-thru. How sweet! Of COURSE now I want to take a photo, and since Mr. WAS the one to buy me my camera 2 yrs ago and knows it lives in my purse and on my eye... he 'scuzes me to snap away.

See? I got a full shot!

So, if this is not fun enough, I wait till the gal is finished ordering and starts walking toward me. I ask her if I'm able to catch a few shots and she's fine with this. And then she tells me the order she placed was for HER HORSE!

Really, her horse is fond of the bagels - I'm sure the grain one, right?


Good to the last crumb!

And yes, I did wind up tracking her down and I've put the local tv station in touch with her. Thanks for allowing me to feature you, Sasha - and your darling horse!


  1. Woohooo!!!! Tim Horton's rocks!!!! Too funny about the horse & her bagel fetish!!! I have a date at Timmy's on Thursday nights with my friend Mary while our girls dance...a little bit of heaven...I am addicted to the Butter Caramel Smoothies.... :P

  2. I now have seen it all!!!

  3. We have Tim Horton's too.

    Hmmmmmmm, Tim Horton's aaaaaarrrrrgggg

  4. That is hilarious! Some people are really big fans! :)

  5. That is GREAT!! i would have laughed my tail off though, for sure! lol WONDERFUL shots of her and her horse too!! what FUN!!! :) Here in my little area the donut shop is called The Jelly Donut!! not quite as famous as Tim's! Thank you so much for sharing too!!

  6. How absolutely adorable is that! I might have to see if I can get some Timmy's sent down here. My DH is a huge fan of Dunkin Donuts. Hmm, wanna trade? lol

  7. Oh that is too funny! I had Dunkin for breakfast on Mother's Day. Yummy!

    I have missed you my friend! I have been so busy lately that I have had a hard time finding time to blog. One day life will slow down...one day. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

  8. Good Morning my friend:)
    Oh how cool! Donuts..a date AND entertainment!Wooo hoooo! hehe Did your Mr. set this up?LOL
    I sure wouldn't have expected to see something like that either.LOL Fantastic Photo shoot!:)Thanks for sharing!

    Love and hugs,

  9. Waahaahaa! here in England, we give horses sugar lumps for a treat!!!!

  10. What a hoot! Mrs. news reporter herself!!

    His little nibs is starting to stir. He is sleeping/stirring with an eye to what I'm doing. He is growing like a weed, has lost his puppy fat and is getting a little lankey. A very strong willed child however and will take MUCH patience on my part ... and I asked for this great lesson ... paid money for it in fact. Sigh.

  11. Thats my cousin!!! haha!

  12. Oh my goodness, that is hysterical!! Only in America ;)

  13. Woot woot!! Another Timmy HoHo's Fan in the house!! hahah on the horse eating bagels..Love the everything bagel with the garlic & herb cream cheese.(I think that's what it is..lol...)Haven't had one in over a year..lol...sooo good but sooo bad..lol..

  14. How sweet it is! We love timmy's to!

    This will be short and sweet too I'm afraid got one of the horible headaches today and it hurts to look at the screen, the pictures of the clouds beautiful, glad you had a happy Mom's day!

  15. wow ...so neat that you and Miles were there and caught it all. Love the pics ...have a great long weekend ..talk to you real soon


  16. it's just me again! stopping in to say thank you for your visit and SWEET comment!! my trouble isn't time but content!! hehe i have been trying sooooooo hard to think of things to blog about! lol i lead such a boring life, it can be difficult and that's when I don't update. lol
    as for our skies, well, i never knew there are shooting stars almost daily, well, nightly (lol) til i moved here! it is truly AMAZING!! one night while we were at the rock club meeting, we all stopped and went outside, looked up in the northwestern skies (about 8 pm) and watched the SkyLab orbit overhead!! it was so much FUN as it actually zoomed through quite quickly!! i would have LOVED to have a decent enough camera for taking pictures of it! Thanks again for your visits, my friend!! big HUGS!!! Have a FANTASTIC weekend!! :)

  17. Great story & photos! Thanks for the old house!

  18. AnonymousMay 19, 2009

    AWWW! lol it's neat to see my horse on the net! haha thank you for that photo shoot! I'm sure she loved it. lol Timmy's is one of her favorite stops in town... well that and the beach! hehe, maybe when it gets closer to summer you can catch her down town swimming! she almost resembles a hippo in the water and sounds like a tug boat.... :D it's supper cute...

    Thanks again for sending me those photo's.
    <3 Sasha! :D


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