Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Happy Birthday Wish and a Free Element


It may seem like a regular ordinary day to you (even though it IS Saturday so perhaps it just a nice day off too) - but for me this is a special day, for it's my Sister In Law Judy's birthday! This is a day when I can do something extra to let her know just how much we love and appreciate her. Judy has been a constant encourager to me over the years. She's always got a kind word and a helping hand if needed. If I had to pick a flaw I would say it would be her ability to completely overlook my flaws and just make me feel like I'm someone unique and of value. I hope that you are showered with love and honour today!

You can visit Judy's blog to leave your own well wishes by clicking on the Happy Birthday Judy Graphic above!

I found the following sentiment, Judy - which nicely expresses how I feel about you.

You've made a difference in my life, I hope that you can see how happy I am we're joined together by the same family. You're one of those special people who make others feel at ease, it's a pleasure knowing someone who gives herself unselfishly. Your spirit is always ready to comfort and encourage, do you ever have a moment that you feel discouraged? So when I think of you I drop the "in-law" part, leaving me a sister cherished with love inside my heart.

I look forward to seeing how you got pampered today. I love you so very much.

In honour of Judy's day I'm giving you this pretty flamingo element. Judy has a FINE collection of flamingo items she's collected over the years. I hope one day she will dig them out of storage to share with us on her blog one day! And as you can also see if you visit my sister Nina's blog (link in my links list to the right) as she has also 'flamingo-ed' her on a pretty card too!

barbderksen_flamingo-prevClick Graphic to Download


  1. Happy Birthday to Judy! She sounds like a special person in you life.

  2. Barb are a very special lady have always accepted me for me ..and still loved me and stood by me ...I want to thank you so much ...I Love you with all my heart...and I am glad we are sisters, friends ...and that we are family ..thanks for the flamingo ...I will be posting a bit later some of the neat things for today ...

  3. Happy Birthday Judy!!
    Thank you for sharing this FUN element!!! You are just soo SWEET! :)
    Have a WONDERFUL weekend! :)

  4. I live somewhere that the flamingoes visit in the winter months - a beautiful site. Thank you very much for this freebie

  5. AnonymousMay 30, 2009

    Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 30 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 31 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  6. Happy BDay to Judy and thanks so much for such a CUTE element! :D

  7. Happy Birthday to Judy and thank you for the flamingo. I,too, am a collector.

  8. Wow, your sister shares a birthday with my sister and my best Bud in Alerta!

    Happy birthday Judy!

  9. Oooh...Gotta love birthdays! I hope Judy had a great one!

    Take care my sweet friend!
    Hope your week is off to a great start!

    Oh and I love the flamingo. Too cute!

  10. Birthday wishes to Judy! Thank you for sharing this flamingo!! :)

  11. OUCH!! Where was my reminder- LOL

    OMG- feel TERRIBLE now!
    Off to wish her and suck up BIG TIME! hahahaha

    Just dropped of Loryn, doing the same for Wayne later so will have some quiet time to catch up on news and hello's ;-)

    Hugs my friend


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