Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sun, a Stink and a Smiley!

It has gone from cold to hot here in our little corner of the world! Seems like just a post ago I was lamenting the cold weather and wondering if summer would ever come. Now I see people already swimming and water-skiing! I've even got the air conditioner on. Why, just a few short weeks ago I had the furnace on to HEAT the house. Perhaps I complained too quick - as the old saying goes "Be careful what you wish for!"

With the hot nights (and toss some menopausal hot flashes in there too) I try to keep the windows open at night to encourage a breeze to circulate about the house. Well, last night at about 1:30 a.m. I woke in a sweat and could not remember whether I had opened all the windows so went about and checked. Sure enough I'd forgot to open the one in the guest room. So, I quickly opened it up - it does make an audible whoosh!

Less than five minutes later, Mr. and I were assailed by a foul odor... guess I must have startled Peppy LePew! Do YOU have a good skunk/stink story? I'd love to hear it!


Our church is undergoing a bit of a facelift these days and so I created some posters for a feature wall in our foyer. I was wowwed to see how they printed out! I took the photo of the mountain a few years ago last year on a highway in Washington State - using the telephoto lens on my camera. Believe me I was far, far away, but this still turned out nicely, I think. This poster measures 36 x 24 while the two smaller ones measure 18 x 24 inches. These two were mostly made up of a montage of creative commons photographs. Once the track lights are installed and the black frames purchased then this will be a nice focal point for our visitors!





This gives you an idea of the size the posters printed out. This is Me and Mr. Miles! I thank my Mr. for printing these for me - it would not have been possible without his help.


Last, but not least, our daughter came for a three day visit and she slathered me with daughterly doting. She added highlights to my hair and showed me some new {bolder} ways to wear my makeup, painted our nails and generally did Mom-daughter things. She got some time in with Mr. as well - they went to the gym together for workouts because I'm still nursing a sore heel.

Our time together passed in a happy blur - so I've made you this little happy face for you to 'stick' onto your pages! Please, use it in any way you wish - personal, commercial - go wild!


click to be taken to download!


  1. AnonymousJune 03, 2009

    Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Jun [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 04 Jun [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  2. You, dear friend, have put TWO smiles on my face before I retire for the night! I shall have HAPPY dreams for sure! Thank you for the DARLING smiley face!!!

    I was just checking my blog before heading out and was just on my way to find the link to your blog (been thinking about you throughout the day and how I must get over and say HELLO!), when what before my OVERLY tired eyes should appear? Why a SWEET comment and WONDERFUL share from you my dear! Thank you for sharing your "moment". It really is AMAZING, isn't it?

    Barb, your posters are SO beautiful and Miles did a FABULOUS job at getting them printed onto paper for ALL to see! What an AMAZING project FULL of LOVE!

    I am SO happy that you had such SPECIAL pampering time with your daughter Barb. I miss my girlies SO much and they, too, like to give their mom pointers on hair and make-up, sharing the latest and greatest! Such SWEET and PRECIOUS time spent, isn't it?

    I just might take you up on that offer for coffee one day! *wink* One NEVER knows ... *smile* (okay, that makes THREE big smiles before bedtime!)

    Have a BEAUTIFUL day LOVELY lady!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda :-D

  3. Barb, the posters are just beautiful. You really are so talented. I'm sure every visitor will truly appreciate them.

    Fortunately I don't have any skunk stories of my own, but I'll remember yours.

    The weather here has been glorious too. It just stopped raining one day and we've been completely baked ever since and your lovely smily face just makes a sunny day even better.

    Thank you.

  4. Those posters are AWESOME! You should be very proud :o)

  5. Good Morning Barb:)
    I too agree..your posters are fantastic! Love your pic with them too!You and Miles look sooo happy.:)
    I can remember years and years ago when Jim and I were living in an old farm house ..out in the middle of a watermelon field..(remind me to tell you about that experience..hehe) We had a late night visitor too...NOT the best thing to wake up to under your bedroom it?LOL
    Soo glad you were able to have some quality time with your DD.I bet you had a blast trying new makeups etc.You most likely made her day too!:)
    Thank you soo much for sharing your wonderful smiley.I will think of you each time I use it:)
    Thanks also for the flamingo.We lived in Fla for I am sure..when I get a chance..I will have lots of opportunity to use it.:)
    Well..I had best get started with my day.:) Hope you have a fantastic one too!

    Love and hugs,

  6. Thank you for sharing!! :)
    i adore that you had posters made!! you are the SWEETEST! :) Thankfully i don't have any skunk stories! OH and on Tuesday, DH mailed out a package to Canada! WOOHOO! Have a TERRIFIC day! hugs!! :)

  7. AnonymousJune 04, 2009

    I was 45 when I went into sudden, full blown menopause but no one knew, because of my age. I actually had nightmares where I was a little doll, stuck in a ditch with rain water flowing over me. I would wake up SO completely DRENCHED that I kept a hair dryer beside the bed to dry my hair as I was changing my gown. IT IS HORRIBLE!

  8. Your posters look awesome!! I love them! Do you take orders? I would love to have a copy!
    I´m glad you had a few days with your daughter. Sounds like a fun time. Mine was here last weekend too and we enjoyed her stay as well.
    I guess with the hot weather, the tourists start "moving in", huh? I know from my daughter that they will be vacationing in Osoyoos the first week of July.

  9. You did a great job on them thar posters girl. WOW!

    Company is gone but Mingus is still keeping me in a whirl. Little monkey!

    No skunks in our area that we've seen or smelled!

    Today is supposed to be the hottest day (of this week anyway). Ugh.

  10. AnonymousJune 04, 2009

    Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Jun. 04, 2009. Thanks again.

  11. Lovely smilie freebie - it makes me smile :)

    I have loved sleeping with the windows open these last few nights. It is rarely warm enough here to do that, so a real treat! Makes me think of hot sunny holidays, dozing while the curtains sway gently in the cool breeze!

    Great you had a lovely time with your daughter.

    LOVE your posters - you should really sell those!

  12. My friend, my friend, its good to hear from you. I miss ya. Life has been nuts around here w/ Hannah graduating this weekend and the house on the market. I figure next week will be quiet and we can have a nice chat, if you are available. :)


  13. Love your blog post and your posters are gorgeous! Lovely work. Thank you for the smiley face -- a great addition to my digital scrapbooking collection!

  14. Oh wow! Those posters are beautiful! You did a great job my friend! And I love the pic with you and the Mr next to them!

  15. LOL! My dh is French, and lo and behold they do not have our little Peppi-le-pew's we have in Northern Michigan. As we go back each summer for 5 weeks, and live in a very rural area, we actually have them trotting through the yard at night. The very first time we passed one that had become a road-kill, my husband "rolled down the windows" to try and get rid of the smell that he had never ever smelled before and found it totally revolting and nauseating. Wrong thing to he soon found out.
    Just this last summer we happened to have a deer in the back yard eating from around the bird feeder. (Must like the corn and sunflower seeds?) I called to him and of course he missed the deer, but went out to see if he could see it anywhere...and as he is walking and looking in one direction, I happened to look over 20 feet to his right to see a little peppi- wandering toward his direction. :( With a quick yell which scared them both, he quickly ran back to the house and the skunk headed over toward the neighbors...but a little too close for comfort!

  16. just popping in to say i hope you're having a WONDERFUL weekend! :)

  17. Popping in to say a big HI and feeling TONS better today ;-)
    Still sound a bit like our old steam train here but boy at least feel human again.
    Barb those posters are just fantastic my fiend- they look absolutely stunning on the wall together.

    Laughed at the skunk story- we don't have them here and have only seen them on TV or in books- hahaha, and of course comics with the smelly lines wafting from the tail ;-)

    Sending hugs to you

  18. Hi Mrs Miles and WOOOOOOO OOOOH those posters are very very very BEAUTIFUL!!! Your photography of the mountains is out of this world!!! U sure are one talented lady!! Missed popping over to your blog while iv been gone and its so lovely to read what you been up to again:)


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