Monday, June 08, 2009

Humming Along, Hummer's Feeding and Happy Birthday to Gina!

Thank you all for coming to visit me even though I have not been a very good blogger-buddy these days. I have been very busy helping a friend of mine publish her memoirs into a book. Though the work is extremely interesting and I'm enjoying her great company, the project (like most big projects) is taking a bit more time than anticipated. It will be worth all of our effort in the end though.

I would like to share a video which I took with my camera - thus the small format and lesser quality - of the hummingbirds at our feeder. As you can see, there is a little stampede each night before dark. Sometimes we have as many as six at a time! And they are not nice to each other sometimes, I am sad to say.

It is my friend Gina's birthday (Tuesday) - so won't you wander over and leave her some love? Gina was one of the very first blogger/digi-scrappers I met on the net and we connected instantly. Though I've not had as much time to chat this year, each time we do its like there was not time in beween - kwim? And Gina was one of the first blog buddies I met in real life - she's even more wonderful in person!

Gina has often been an inspiration to me with her humour, kindness and talent (be sure to check her Etsy store, link on her blog) But even more meaningful to me is that we are sisters who share our faith. So Gina, I created a small token to say thank you - I love you and I hope you have a wonderful next year!

Gina and I share 'gurl-talk' sometimes and we point each other to interesting fashion, design and makeup ideas sites... so today I'm going to leave you with a very cool youtube video I found on some pretty racy makeup.... LOL - but truly, after seeing this video, check out the others offered by this young lady. She's truly got a talent with makeup - I've learned a few things myself.

And now, for my giveaway - in honour of Gina! I created the one on the ribbon by using one of KimB's CU products - minitiemes - which you can find by visiting her blog (links to her store there) and she has many other terrific goodies on her blog!!!


Click on picture to download!


  1. The video of the humming birds is wonderful - never seen any in real life!

  2. Hi there!

    I have all ways wanted to video our hummingbirds, and yes they are very aggressive little fellas.

    We get many hummingbirds here too, anywheres up to 25 adults after the young are born you can double that, I went thru 1 ten pound bag of sugar on my little babies last year!

    This year the numbers are less, about 15 hummingbirds. don't know if the cool weather is to blame. I have noticed more tigre swallowtailed butterflies this year thou.

    And the groundhogs! my they are eating up all my new veggie shoots...arrrgh... do you have any suggestions? my dog wants to chase them but they can be mean and vicious and I don't want Bubbles to get hurt. With all the coyotes I've seen wandering thru the yard you would think they would eat up all the vermin on the way thru.

    On my way to wish Gina a Happy bday!



  3. Hey there my friend! I have missed you. Glad to know you are working on such an interesting project.

    Loved the hummingbird video. Too funny! I can't get over the eye make-up. She really has a talent!

    Take care my friend!

  4. Thank you for ALLLLLLL you share! :) Have a LOVELY day!

  5. I love to see hummingbirds fly into real flowers. It just seems more natural to me. But I loved your video too. Happy Birthday to Gina! She sounds like a real friend.

  6. Good Morning Barb:)
    Remember me?LOL I LOVE your video of the hummingbirds.How cool!They are my favorite!I have box etc..with them on it.:)No..not real hummingbirds.hehe
    Can't wait for you to get your project done.I am feeling withdrawls.:)
    I haven't tried the rainbow eyemakeup thingy.Bet you could wear just about anything with it though.LOL
    Thanks so much for the beautiful cross.I am gonna see if Christy can make a necklace like it with her polymer clay.COOL!
    Oh I go with my shoulders slumped and my head down..feet scuffling...cause I MISS you! :(

    Love and hugs,


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