Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gifts for Me, Awards and Art

I found a little package in my mailbox yesterday. It touched my heart. Inside I found a small metal woodpecker/toothpick holder. The thing is, my Grandma, who I loved dearly and who passed away a few years ago - she had one. If I had to pick only one thing from her house which stood out in my mind, it would be this woodpecker/toothpick holder. Countless hours were spent by us children (and there were eight of us!) playing with the woodpecker - smashing its little head down into the toothpicks, then taking them off and doing it again. I'm sure some toothpicks were broken before they ever made it into anyone's mouth. It had to be a pretty sturdy item with all of us children banging on its head!


I never did take a photo - nor have seen one of the shelf above Grandma's kitchen table with this ornament on it. There was a big mirror there and I could watch Grandma cooking from the front room - she spent a LOT of time in her kitchen. There were all sorts of knick knacks and photos on the shelf. Another funny thing was a clear glass thermometer, shaped like a bird, with a feather stuck on it's head and some for little wings. It was supported on a plastic stand. She would fill up a glass of warm water and then tip it's 'beak' into it. I don't quite remember how it worked but after a while it would swing on it's own dip, dip, dipping into the water as if sipping.

I don't know where Grandma's ornament wound up when she passed on, and I'd not seen one since. So imagine my surprise when I saw this one on Shirley's blog a few months ago. I commented on it right away, I was so excited for her and told her my memories of this item. And then - I find this in my 'real' mailbox! Shirley you have really touched my heart. I don't know how to properly thank you - but I will find some way! I fully expect little children will be playing with this here and I'll think fondly of YOU and Grandma!


And speaking of gifts I still have two people to thank for gifts. One is dear DEAR AmyW - who, on her own birthday - which I FORGOT {I'm a bad friend!} - Amy sent ME some little gifts, including a fairy kit which I helped with in a small way a lonnnng time ago. She sent me her 'Lil Fishes Kit. Its so fun and pretty and ... THANKS Amy!

And now its the time that I want to say thank you to someone who has waited an awful long time to hear this... but THANK YOU to KIMB - for the beautiful package you sent me a while ago.

KimB sent me a package chock full of goodies - from chocolate to ornaments, cookbooks and all sorts of things - and a note that felt like a big hug from across the world. Why didn't I blog a thank you back then?

Well, Kim's package arrived at the time when the economy was taking a severe downturn, and a friend of mine was facing a very difficult time. Her husband had lost his job - one he'd held for many years and their entire future was financially uncertain. Kim and I talked about it and I simply could not feel right about crowing about my good fortune when my other friend was hurting. But Kim knew how I felt and so we were good with that. My other friend has since then had their financial picture turn to the positive so I feel good to say THANK YOU KIM - for your gift, for waiting and for our friendship. My blog friends ROCK - and I'm not talking about 'stuff' I receive, its far far more than this.


My dear friend Penny Buhr Johnson, who I've featured here before is hosting a concert at our church at the end of this month. Penny is a recording artist and has just been to the Country Gospel Music Association Convention in High River, Alberta where she received the following awards:

CGMA 2009 Bilingual, Silver Heart Award
CGMA 2009 Instrumental, Silver Heart Award
CGMA 2009 Female Full-time Vocalist, Silver Heart Award
CGMA 2009 Songwriter Full-time, Silver Heart Award

Congratulations Penny - we feel honored to have you come and perform for us! We hope our little church does you proud!


I have an ipod touch. Actually, this is my second one, Mr. has inherited my first. He bought me one when they first came out and I happily packed it around to listen to music on. I did not know what else it did.

About 6 months ago, I discovered "Apps" ... and began to experiment and download them. There are so many very cool and amazing and useful {and usless) ones. My faves are some of the book reader ones, one that tracks my wieght and food and... any ones that do art. In particular I downloaded one that does vector art {vector drawing does not get 'jaggy' or pixelated when you blow it up to larger sizes} and I have been playing with it. I was blown away by what I could create - and the following is a sample of a work I did, I took 'snapshots' in stages as I worked. I also found out there is whole communities of people who create 'ipod art' and galleries too.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Have you ever done any digital art? On the computer or on your phone or ipod? I'd love to know.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi, ooooooooooh your ipod art is FANTASTIC, never knew one could do such a thing - Its beautiful!!! Loved the story about the bird thermometer, I remember a similar one at my Grans and brought back so many memories that I'd forgotten:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend, hugs to you

  2. Barb... I am so happy to be home and finally able to see what all my blog friends are up to. I have missed reading your blog so much.

    I dearly love your post about the toothpick dispenser.. what a treasure and to find it in your mail. how sweet of Shirley.

    I have never seen and ipod touch they sound wonderful.. and your painting of course is amazing.

    Have a great weekend.

    Hugs.. Joy

  3. awesome sis ..yes I remember GG little toothpick holder sitting there ...I will have to see if Missy knows about the ipod art stuff and miss you real soon

  4. Oh the woodpecker is really cool! And what a great memory. How special!

    Nope, I haven't done anything like that. I'm just not that creative. But I love yours my friend!

    Yep, I wish you could come help paint too ;) Take care my friend! Big hugs to you!

  5. No, never done digital Art, but your looks incredible. You are so talented!!
    My favorite aunt (who has passed away) in Canada had a toothpick dispenser exactly like the one you received. Brings back good memories for me too. I´m glad your friend sent it to you!
    And isn´t it fun receiving packages from bloggy friends?! :) I posted about one today too.

  6. Cool iPod art Mrs. M.! Not artistic myself and himself is too busy with his work!

    I remember those woodpecker toothpick picker-uppers ... haven't seen one in YEARS!

  7. i am sooooooooooooooooo GLAD to have found that for you! sometimes when we buy little things like that, we have NO IDEA why and it becomes clearer as time goes by!! the woodpecker was MEANT to be! :D it's so FUN sharing packages!!
    i have not done art yet on the computer but have been wanting to try. working with the computer can be such a BLAST and you did AWESOME work! you are soooooo CREATIVE!! Thank you for sharing ALLLLLL that you do, Barb!!! HUGS! :) Have a FANTASTIC day!

  8. Good Afternoon my friend:)
    Wow! How sweet! Shirley is a keeper.LOL I can't imagine your surprise!!Cool woodpecker toothpickeruper.:) I can't remember seeing any before your blog post a while back.Looks like it could be a lot of fun.:)
    Your art work is AMAZING!I don't have artistic talent like that and you are soo blessed.:) I will have to see if Jim can figure out how you did it.He is the artist in the family ..when it comes to drawing.:)He likes to paint digitally.
    I remember those bird thermometers too..but can't remember anyone in our family actually owning one.:)
    Well..I can't remember what else you told us on your will have to wait for the rest ..later. Gotta stop drinking those Diet Cokes.hehe
    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

    Love and hugs,

  9. What a beautiful story about the woodpecker. I have a little salt and pepper set that are skunks which I used to pack around when I was little at my beloved grandparents house. They mean more to me as an inheritiance than any money ever could. Blessings!

  10. Hey lady!

    After we got done talking the other day - I have seen itouch's everywhere and get this MATT has one and I didn't even know it. LOL! He bought it from a friend who didn't like it (an 8 gig) and has been using it for music ever since. Small, small world, eh?

    See ya some time this week! Looking forward to it!~G

  11. Hi Barb ~ Sorry it's been so long since I've been around. Life has had many changes, hopefully for the better. Come read about it over on my personal blog. Hope you're doing well and are enjoying the summer! :)

  12. Hi Barbs!
    I love the story about the woodpecker! How sweet is that?!

    Thanks so much for swinging by to visit!! We were out. LOL! We took Julie last night to the Hamilton Wingfest to see the Spoons and Honeymoon Suite. They were HUGE when I was a teen. We all had fun right up until some turkey decided the main concert was the PERFECT time to bring out the Honey Wagon & drain out 25 port-a-potties. LOL. We left after 5 songs of the main show because we were trying very hard not to barf and it wasn't working. LOL!! Guess I shouldn't expect anything from a free concert but we were really disappointed none the less.

  13. AnonymousJune 15, 2009

    Excuse me if this is inappropriate or in any way wrong or asking for too much. Could you list some Canadian designers. I am always proud when a fellow Canadian can leave a positive and sucessful mark on the world. (I know I have nothing to do with it but it's so nice to see Canadian eh!)

    I noticed you posted a comment over at Paula's blog. I got there late as her links were up for a short time. I just drooled over the kit. I am interested in finding Canadian things (digi scrap). Often when I find them as freebies the links are dead and when they are for sale they are such a small portion of a kit. I am not complaining but after purchasing 2 kits last year that I was dissappointed (not by quality just wanted more Canadian). I don't tend to blog hop much(real life get in the way)and I'm not up with all the new stores and new designers.

    I ask you this question because I was big into scrapping when you first started giving out freebies. I had to put scrapping on the back burner as life just got so very busy. Even though I don't scrap very often now, I don't let more then a month or 2 go by without coming to your blog to see what you are/have been up to. You have come a long way! I usually come to your blog eager to read your uplifting tales and recipies.
    With Canada's big holiday approaching I am looking up the Canadian designers I used to frequent their blogs and stores but sadly I can't find many of them. I am on a search for Canadian.
    You are on the top of my list! I think of you when ever I walk into a Sally's as I take a quick glance around to see if anyone is taking pictures of little treasures lol! I have a page of some of your words and quotes posted on the door that has yellowed and a little torn. You have given to the world in ways that you probably will never know. Your freebies are great but still only material things. (Is digi material when you can't physically touch it? lol) I appreciate your blogging!

  14. I love you Barb... even if you forget my birthday.

  15. Oh my gosh- I came and got me some *Mrs Miles* this morning and just wanted to say THANK YOU my friend.
    I've had a AWESOME cup of coffee here with you this morning, and felt like I was sitting next to you on the couch listening to your week- lol
    My cup is empty and I'm late as usual but it doesn't matter as I feel that I have had a perfect morning so far- THANK YOU.

    Oh Gosh Barb, you thanked me for the gift already and I don't need it blogged - I'm just glad you liked it.
    LOVED that kit you made for your MR. and I remember taking that picture of Nathan to make the LO- hahaha. I still have the kit too ;-)LOVE it!!

    Girlfriend- your photo's are just simply AMAZING! WOW, that one with the water droplets on is exceptional!
    Glad you had time to visit with Dad too and that he is doing so well.
    Ok- I need to get in the shower- hahahahaha. Sending huge hugs to you across the sea.
    PS_ holey smokdes, almost forgot about the iPod art- I never had a CLUE you could do that on it!! WOW WOW WOW- they are freaking stunning!
    Can they be printed out bigger??


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