Kristin Cronin-Barrow's - Gone Camping Kit
Nina had shared a photo of her cat in this little camouflage tent and I could not resist to make it into a layout.
Make sure you're ready to have a laugh if you visit Nina's blog as she reveals all Vogue's (funny name, right?) personal info! Nina, you have a gift to journal too, it appears! You have me entralled.
I made another layout for my friend Betty too, of her daughter, but forgot to ask permission to publish. Is it OK, Betty? If so, look for it coming next post!
First Skate!
Ok, I can forgive all the miserable weather we've been having for at least now its COLD enough that the lake has frozen into a fun state of skate-able-ness. Oh, there are still swirlie patches of snow about, but I am able to navigate around the worst of them to be able to go along the shoreline. I was so HOPING this time would come - and its generally a brief few weeks window in the year.
My first skate was on Monday - it was sunny and I took my camera along. These are some of the photos I took in the magical frozen land of ice:
I'm thinking of someone today - someone who is hurting and perhaps lonely, afraid or angry. Someone who feels like there's NO hope. There is, my friend.
One who helps you in your need;
One who has a soothing power,
Calming you in your darkest hour.
One who shares your grief and pain,
And when rebuffed, comes back again;
One who knows your every mood,
Does not condemn, does not intrude.
One who shares your happiness
As well as sorrow and distress.
One who's with you to the end.
Won't you let Him be your friend?
I've been working out ever since the 'holidays' passed - a promise to get whipped into shape for my husband in time for our anniversary, coming up soon. I'm averaging anywhere from 60 - 90 mins of aroebic exersize a day, 5 days a week, and beginning to see results. Oh, I'm still a long ways from where I'd like to be, but its coming.
Some days are easier than others, but I'm always glad I put in the effort. I was talking about exersize with a friend the other day, and we were talking about the effort it takes, the dedication and the time factor. It occured to me that a perception people sometimes have is that it is EASIER for people who work out regularly than for beginners. Well, thats not entirely true, at least for me.
What IS true, is that once you've established a routine and wrassled your mind over body to accept that you ARE going to work out, like it or not, for a certain portion of your days - then you waste less time fighting with yourself, and it helps to just KNOW its part of your day. And then too, as you get STRONGER, and you realize you CAN do it, then you are simply more ABLE. You're not spending time just trying to convince yourself to go ahead.
But, there are NO shortcuts to a workout. They never not 'hurt' - if you are doing it correctly. If you don't sweat or push yourself or feel some sort of pull on your body then you are not truly getting a benefit to your system. Actually there's a reward in 'feeling it' - if there were not, then every single person would be walking around fit as a fiddle! Seems that most good things in life take a dedication and a working towards. Its the gift you recieve for being obedient and caring for this amazing human body God blessed us with!
Not only this, it allows you to be more energetic - to enjoy life, a longer life to be with those we love!
On my worst days - days when I have to talk myself into it - I realize there are people who CANNOT work out, that are physically unable to walk, run, work out. That in itself is a reason I should work out this body to be its best.
That, and the fact that my husband wants to take me to some place with a hot tub and wear a swimsuit for our anniversary. *wink*
And lastly I'll mention something about the time factor - its a huge chunk of valuable time out of already packed days - well, I put it to good use. I DO enjoy a bit of reading while I work out (using and elliptical trainer mostly) but I've put aside a portion of this time to read my bible and Praise the Lord. If you were outside my house during this time you might here me cry out and sing at the top of my lungs. Best I'm at home for I'd probably scare them all away at the gym!