Sunday, June 25, 2006




Miles made this element for you! I mentioned I don't have enough 'guy' elements so he took time out to make something appropriate. I don't know how he whips 'em up so effortlessly - and I learn something every time he does! I am so glad we have the same interests and hobbies. When I was going to the Learning Centre, I used to resist his efforts to interest me in computer programs, but now I just lap it up!

Mariposa Lily

The Mariposa Lilies are out in our local area. A poultice of mashed bulbs applied to the skin for poison ivy by the Okanagan-Colville Indians. The bulb was eaten by the Yakama Indians. In case you are new to my blog, I live in Southern BC, Canada, in Canada's only Pocket Desert, so we enjoy some unique flora and fauna here.

I had a thought cross my mind yesterday, as I watched my husband working with web development. When he creates a graphic for a website, he has to consider not only what appears on HIS computer screen and MY computer screen, he has to consider ALL possiblities - people have all different shapes and sizes of monitors....not only that, people use different browsers - so you have to check what you are trying to show will be displayed clearly and attractively in their settings. This causes me to parallell it to my Christian view. What I see may not be clear to everyone else. When I listen to people, I should try to discern more than just the words they are using - I need to make a greater effort to understand WHERE they are speaking from. I think there is a great danger in ASSUMING we all think the same, come from our own viewpoint. What do you think about this? I would love to hear from you.

When I saw this dandilion, fully ripened, it explained how I feel right now - poised to fly off in little bits when the wind comes along! I really seek out The Word daily now, to keep me grounded.


sung by CeCe Winans

We thirst for You

We search for You

In a dry and barren land

W're longing for Your hand

To guide us to

A place where You

Can cleanse us with Your rain...

Baptize us once again

We thirst for You

Oh Lord we are waiting

Let Your river flow

Come flood our hearts again

Quench our thirsty souls

I'm going to sign off here, as we have a young couple coming to share our afternoon after church. Have a wonderful day, and thanks for stopping by today!


Stop Slipping!

To stop a broom from slipping when you lean it up against the wall, cut the finger off of a rubber glove and slip it over the end of the broomstick!


  1. AnonymousJune 25, 2006

    Thank you Miles for this great element!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend

  2. yes we must always remember what we think we hear and what are they really saying ..and with the Lord's help we understand that tip sis

  3. AnonymousJune 25, 2006

    Thank you Miles for taking the time to make another great element. We were extremely spoiled with Barb making all these beautiful freebies but if the both of you are getting together now ... Wow it's going to be X-Mas every day!Can stop looking at the pictures you are posting ... great for the eyes! XXX Valerie

  4. AnonymousJune 25, 2006

    Thanks a bunch for the great belt.

  5. AnonymousJune 25, 2006

    What a beautiful song. The words are incredible. Thank you for sharing.


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