buttons by Lisa Whitney
buttons by Lisa Whitney
Mom and Dad arrived yesterday and everything was in order for them - short of cleaning the oven, thats where I drew the line. Oh, there were things I did not get to, but I told myself to put my pride aside - Mom appreciates more that I love and cherish her son than how clean I have our house. Sometimes we get so caught up in looking after the details we miss the BIG picture. Mom and Dad offered to bring in pizza (I HAD planned to make one) but we declined. Oh, to have dinner made and brought in is like THE MOST tempting, but what happened is this: Miles, knowing how busy I have been preparing, took me out for lunch and a foray to the thrift store yesterday. (yes, Mom raised him to be thoughtful to his wife - thank you Mom!) While at the thrift, we saw a set of the sweetest single serving baking dishes ever - brand new! A set of four. A lightbulb went on and I begged Miles to bake the same dish he invented and made for me for mothers day - a seafood/asperagus dish - in the new dishes. I realized we have so little opportunity to cook for Mom, and she's always supplying us with exotic cooking implements and ingredients. Plus, I want her to be proud of Miles ability as a chef! It was a huge success, other than his use of HOT italian sausage which made Mom's nose run.
We are going to garage sales this a.m. thus my early entry. Gotta take care of you folks! We will also drive about the town and show them the Desert Centre and the Inkaneep Desert Centre too. I will post pics tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend!
Lighting the Fire
It has been raining here for a week now - enough now, Lord! lol - actually its ok just till Mom goes home as she can't handle the heat. The rain brings to mind all those folks who are camping about now - they will be huddled about the fire like moths attracted to the lightbulb...Its darn hard to light a good fire in the rain. This tip came to me from my sister in law Judy. She gave me this recipe to make home-made fire starters. Trust me, you will have flames three feet high for three minutes even on wet wood. Withhold this recipe from pyromanics please.
Ok, so start saving paper egg cartons, dryer lint and old candles. When you have an abundance of all, fill the egg carton cups about 2/3 full of dryer lint. Melt the wax and pour over the lint until its fully saturated and the cups are filled to about 3/4 way to the top. Thats it. When this cools you can take it camping and simply tear off a cube or two to use lighting the fire. You'll be thanking me one cold rainy day...
It's my sister in law Judy's birthday right about....well, right about NOW...even though its not marked on the calendar ... I am MAKING Judy's gift and since I know you are reading this sweet sister... it is going to be late. It should be ready next week sometime, so keep your eyes peeled (that would hurt?)
My mother and father in law arrive today. I am so blessed to have them in my life. We have developed a very special relationship over the years. It was not always roses, there were a few thorns to endure. Us moms can be pretty protective where our sons are concerned, as we want the very best for our children, and I will be the first to tell you I am somewhat opinionated and stubborn at times...and I hate to wait. The Lord has really done a work in my life to come to this place - and what a sweet place it is. Our mom and dad are really THE BEST - I just couldn't appreciate that way back when because I was only looking with my eyes, not my heart.
Children's children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
So, with this, I must go do the final preperations (make that grocery list for the pizza ingredients!) I'm happy to say its raining outside, as mom is very heat-sensative. Thank you, Lord, as it can be way up there in temperature at this time of the year, being the desert and all.
You all have a great weekend, and I will do my very best to get my blog entry up early each day!
Getting the Wax Out
I will stay with the candle wax theme today - and I can't take credit for this one...I read it in a Martha Stewart mag. If you have burned a votive candle in a holder, and it is STUCK inside and you CANNOT get it out (of course you can dip it in hot water, but that sometimes leaves a waxy residue) instead, put it in the freezer for a few hours and it should pop right out!
*Jean* You left a message as well, saying the links did not work for you. I will make a custom element for you (and you can share if you like too) but I need you to send me your email address (lalalime@hotmail.com) - Please tell me what kind of a browser you are using??? This is important information for us to know.
Storm over Osoyoos Lake
We had a most amazing storm pass over last night! We were so busy on our computers and heard fierce rain hitting the house and ran to the window to be greeted by a stunning rainbow!
When the storm hit, I was reminded of a song that I love. I think of it as an honest song, because it points out that God does not promise we will never go through rough times, but He does promise He's there for us in those times and we are to trust Him. What do you think of this song?
Sometimes He Calms The Storm
All who sail the sea of faith
Find out before too long
How quickly blue skies can grow dark
And gentle winds grow strong
Suddenly fear is like white water
Pounding on the soul
Still we sail on knowing
That our Lord is in control
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child
He has a reason for each trial
That we pass through in life
And though we're shaken
We cannot be pulled apart from Christ
No matter how the driving rain beats down
On those who hold to faith
A heart of trust will always
Be a quiet peaceful place
And of course, afterwards, there is always this beautiful reminder of His Promise:
Rainbow view from our house!
I simply HAD to take time out to scrapbook my little friend Zach. He's adorable, and it was excruciating to watch him eat only the colored beads and icing off this donut without eating any of the donut itself!
Zach and the Donut
Font: Charyn
Keep the Candle - Not Burning!
If you have burnt an especially nicely scented pillar candle and there is quite a bit of wax left, cut it into good sized chunks using a large knife. Tuck the candle bits into your drawers, linen cupboards and even in the toes of stored shoes!
Kit: Cuppy's Room from Paper Moons
I wish I could tell you where I downloaded this kit - but I can't open the instructions? If anyone knows where this kit is from, please tell me so I can thank the designer.
Ask and You Will Recieve
Do you know the postal people squirrel lots of really neat stamps away in their drawers? In fact, the last time I was in, the clerk said nobody ever asks anymore. I always ask for pretty or unusual stamps when I go in, and they always give me some interesting choices. Well, for myself its not quite so important...but I try to think of the person on the recieving end - so take a moment next time and ask for the real goods. I would love to hear what kind you got. Email me at lalalime@hotmail.com (and good tips too!)
1600 x 1200 download
1280 x 800 download
When I see a flower in all its perfection I am always reminded of the following scripture...
29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
I have a young woman coming over this evening who I hope to introduce to the world of digiscrapping so I better get things straightened up today. I hope you all have a lovely day. Here's a QUICK scrap - page I created while writing a tutorial for my husband's school. This is my friend Valeries son, her link is listed to the right.
If you make your own pizza crust, sprinkle a little cornmeal on the pan before the crust and you will have a nice crisp crust. However, if you're like me and never have cornmeal on hand, a handful of cornflake crumbs (crushed in the blender) works wonderful too!
We had an unexpectedly long day yesterday. We drove to the city, one hour away, to purchase a camera. We had a quote, money etc but when we arrived at the store of our choice they could not exactly accomodate us - surprizing in a large chain store that the employee did not have the means to get a large order like this approved - turning out to be a big sale loss for them... We ended up having to drive one hour further to Kelowna, but it was for the best. We ended up saving a significant amount of money. We are looking forward to using the camera, however it's probably best that its a rainy day so we can accomplish some goals first...
I hope you have a wonderful day!
saute your asperagus
Most everyone I know BOILS asperagus, but truly you miss out on so much of the flavor and goodness of it this way. With asperagus in season and reasonably priced at this time of the year, take advantage of it! To get the best flavor from your asperagus, test with your knife along the stems, from the bottom...when your knife hits a more tender spot, slice the whole bottom off the bunch, generally 2 to 3 inches. Now, cut the rest into nice 1- 2 inch slices and put in a deep non-stick frying pan with 2 tbsp butter and 2 cloves of garlic (peeled and sliced in 1/2) Saute for a few minutes until the butter starts to disappear. Add two tablespoons of water and cover for three or so mins. Remove cover, add 1/2 tsp butter and saute until tender and bright green. You can also cook the asperagus with sliced mushrooms, in this case you don't need to add liquid as the mushrooms create their own.
I think you will agree this is the perfect way to cook asperagus!
Papers: Late Night Scrap by Sonya Johnston
Template: Melissa Renfro
Charm, Buttons, Ribbons, Flower and Tags by Mrs. Schmuck
Notepaper and Staple: Gina Miller's Build Your Own Bulliten Board Kit.
Doodle: DDE Creative Team
This is Abigail digging in her Gramma's garden, Gramma being my sweet Sister in Law. To see more of her lovely family you can visit her blog HERE.
Be tuned here tomorrow for more Rainbow Elements matching the ones you've downloaded this week!
keeping the tweezers handy
I've found it invaluable to keep a pair of tweezers in our vehicle. Trust me - bright sunshine is better than any makeup mirror you may have in your home. Next time you're waiting for husband/children etc while in your car, its a great time to check out your eyebrows.
PS. Promise never to do this while driving!
I would like to share Gina's recipe...now, I honestly have not tried it myself yet...but it sounds mouthwatering and I plan on making it very soon. She does caution it is not for the faint of toungue if you add hot chili peppers. I cannot give the link to her blog at this time because they are updating at the blog server and so you would be sent to a blank page...but I will post it asap.
Chili Cheese Appetizers
½ c. margarine
10 eggs
½ c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
8 oz. green chilies, chopped
1 pt. cottage cheese
1 lb. Jack cheese, grated
Blend in blender:
½ c. margarine
10 eggs
½ c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
Mix together in a large bowl:
8 oz. green chilies, chopped
1 pt. cottage cheese
1 lb. Jack cheese, grated
Add blended mixture to bowl ingredients and stir well.
Pour into greased 10x13 pan. Bake at 400 for
15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350. Bake 30 minutes
longer. Cut into squares. Freezes well.