Pretty cool isn’t it?
This is one of the most unique and fun things I designed in the past I think. I came up with the idea after looking at a leather belt and I simply felt compelled to design a miniature version and turn it into a bracelet.

The FREE .studio cutting file I’m gifting to you today is for the center piece – the paper part, the rest will be up to you, however you will like to design yours.
As you can see I added all sorts of embellishments onto mine. I chose to sew the little buckle part on and I sewed lace onto several as well. I salvaged bits of jewelry and added beads to a few. Because the bracelet itself is paper its pretty easy to sew through. You may choose to use some sort of glue instead. Its all up to you.

The tricky part is the prong. I am providing the shape you will use as a template but I chose to cut the prong itself out of clear plastic packaging (the firmer the better) because its flexible and strong enough. You can use the template I’ve provided to trace upon the hard plastic – or I simply held it fast with my fingers and snipped around the prong by hand.
* I’m adding this bit in here after thinking as I was drifting off to sleep that I should give you a bit more accurate instruction of how the three pieces go together to get the buckle and prong on. Please excuse my messy diagram, I’ve had to restore my computer and don’t have my vector graphics program of choice to illustrate, but hopefully my untidy drawing will help:

- Cut your plastic prong out of a sturdy clear plastic (or you may choose to use colored too) using the template provided.
- Place the clear plastic prong in between the two open ends of the folded over “buckle” (the folded end will be the outside of the buckle.
- Now that you have the prong inside of the buckle piece (and be sure to have the prong in front of the buckle, take the buckle and prong together and position both in the fold of the belt, lining the prong up with the hole on the fold, draw it through and up so that the buckle and prong are in position. This is when you will either sew or glue the fold down. After that’s done you can add the loop (which holds the tail of the bracelet down when you get it on your wrist.

Just so you know, these are delicate creations of “wearable art” – meaning because the main part is created out of paper (thick cardstock type designer paper works the best, double sided patterns create really nice “pulled together” pieces. So these are fragile and they are not waterproof. But they are original and completely unique.
I hope you enjoy this FREE pattern. I’d love it if you leave some comment love – and if you create your own I’d definitely delight in sharing your takes on this fun project.
Barb Derksen’s Paper Bracelet File
Personal Use