Sunday, January 18, 2015

365 Photo a Day - Jan 18 - EAT!

Photo theme: EAT!

I'm sorry... am I making you hungry?  

I truly enjoyed every moment of my time away from home and I especially enjoyed having many delicious Mom-meals too but I did miss cooking and baking myself.  I'd watched quite a few cooking shows and I filed away a few tips in my mental tool box which I'm dying to try.

Sunday is always a restful day, with church in the morning we decided to make lunch our biggest meal.  Sometimes we crave breaded cutlets and we like to serve them in a hearty artisan bun.  Today it was accompanied with some french fries and a simple dip of mayonnaise mixed with sriracha sauce and finally garnished with beautiful oranges. (on sale by the box at our local grocers)  Fresh oranges in the winter are like tasting a bit of sunshine in my mouth. 

My husband was a little frightened of the knife stuck into the sandwich but I told him that the professional chefs do that on all the manly cooking shows.

What did you have for Sunday dinner? 

PS - I'm getting a hankering to share a Silhouette Cutting file in the coming days, check back!


  1. Oh now that looks Yummy! We had chicken in mushroom sauce, steamed broccoli and side of herb wild rice!

  2. Your meal looks delicious, Barb. Love your food blogs! You are making me hungry! We had a roasted turkey breast, and I made some mushroom sauce to go with it (like Lynda's chicken). I served it with roasted potatoes and salad.

  3. I too LOVE your food blogs. It's always interesting to see and read about the things you do to make each meal special. The knife in the sandwich probably would have had me wondering too. LOL


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