Sunday, January 25, 2015

365 Photo of the Day – “I Swan!”

swan_Barb Derksen

Today’s 365 theme – Swan

This graceful swan ornament was a treasured find at a garage sale a few years ago.  I saw her nested in amidst lots of other “stuff” and she pleaded to me with a winsome look from her delicately (hand painted I am sure) eye, imploring me to rescue her and take her home.  And I did and I decided she deserved to float upon a wooden surface next to a lacy tatted doily (a gift from a dear friend) and in the soft shade of a bouquet of dried hydrangea which were picked at my Mom’s place. 

I must say whenever I see a swan I have an urge to feint to the side, hand placed against my brow and declare “I swan!”  Being that though I see it when I read vintage books I don’t actually know what it really means.  But curious minds have to know so I checked out this article, you can decide for yourself. 

Do you have an ornament you treasure above all others?


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