Saturday, January 24, 2015

365 Photo(s) of the Day - All WORK(out) and no play...

My Mr always gives me a choice when our day starts and it falls on a weekend, the choice being when and if I actually want to work out.  Even when I say I do, loud and clear I know that HE knows me better than I know me.  And therefore he knows things can change from moment to moment.  I must say, he does this very delicately.  

So my choice today (though there was this terrible big debate going on in my head) was to make myself work out FIRST before I could change my mind.  I knew that if I hesitated or put it off to a later time that just was not going to happen.  So, I looked at my workout as the thing I HAD to do.  

Because part of my day would be the "REWARD" - creative, crafting craziness! I often use my card-making, sewing, reading, baking, tatting, reading... all the things I truly enjoy as the "carrot on a stick" for myself.  

Its a system which works for me.  Heavens I've found I can really do a ton of chores very quickly and efficiently to "earn" fun time for myself.  How about you?  Do you have a treat system for yourself as well? 

Even better, today was my first ever "Crop".  I was invited by Terri (bottom left) who has done this sort of thing before and who arranged all the details.  It was really fun, inspiring to see what everyone else was doing.  There were a range of projects going on though a majority were focused on scrapbook pages while I chose to make a few greeting cards.  Its wonderful to see how every person's work is diverse and unique.  I absolutely soaked up some new techniques and learned new things.  

What a lovely bunch of ladies, I do look forward to our next get-together.  I now know just what I'll pack for the next one.  

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