Friday, January 09, 2015

First Week of a New Year - 2015

I've wanted to blog a photo a day this year but I was unable to connect to the internet on my laptop, therefore was unable to post day-by-day.  However, for some reason my connection is working today, so I'm going to post photos all the way back to the beginning of the month, then see if I can go from there.  I've really really REALLY missed blogging and hope to do it more often.  I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about just what I want to blog about, seems seasons of life change and therefore my blog fulfills a different role too.  Of course I will always blog the cards I create and enter into challenges, but I hope to include the photos as well as thoughts I have, recipes and whatever whets my writing desire.  I hope if you stop in you might enjoy what you find here too.  

January 1, 2015 

A happy New Years and a chocolaty sweet day to learn a recipe from our Aunt.  Underneath this cocoa-ey coating lies a layer of rich caramel brittle and roasted almonds.  OMGosh...  

January 2, 2015

Typical day here at the coast.  I'm becoming very adept with an umbrella.

January 3, 2015

Made the first pizza of the year.  This was a "refrigerator" pizza.  You know the sort - you don't go out and buy anything special, making it only with what ingredients are already in your pantry and freezer.  This one was topped with thinly sliced cheddar smokies.  They actually taste great on top.  Mom's side of the pizza was without the feta.  

January 4, 2015

Snow snow snow.  It all came in a big Ka-LUMP and we stayed indoors and watched it fall and felt sorry for the hummingbirds who came to feed.  

January 5, 2015

So then we stayed indoors and I kept working with my latest learning curve - crochet.  My Aunt showed me the basic stitches and I have a few "how to" books on the ipad and my fingers now feel comfortable with the hook and wool.

January 6, 2015

And then it was GONE!  Snow completely melted and the sun came out full force.  It was so balmy.  Perfect weather for long walks.  My winter jacket proves too warm. 

January 7, 2015

An investment in all the walking I've made myself go on during my stay here at the coast.  There's nothing like some new running tights to make one go faster.  Sure.  

January 8, 2015

Though I purchased a gym membership thinking the weather would be wet and miserable, I've been walking around getting used to Abbotsford by walking different routes each day.  I'm very directional challenged and until I actually travel a route and visually see how each road lies in relation to the others - its all just a paper map in my brain.  But once I walk it, I know it forever.  This city is pretty easy to get around in and it makes sense.  

There is always something to see - even moss on a wooden fence has a special beauty.  

January 9, 2015

Can you believe it?  Here the rest of BC, Canada and a goodly part of the USA is shivering your bums off and we are so warm here that this wasp came out on the sidewalk!  Unreal!  I'm not sure how long this good weather will last - someone said this "I'm thinking we might pay for all this good weather later" - and I wonder the same.  

So, these are just little snippets of my first week of January.  I look forward to sharing a moment of each day here.  


  1. Happy new year Barbara,
    great idea, my wish for you this yesr, is that you are able to fulfill your dream. Stop by some time

  2. Hello sweet friend!!!! I really enjoyed your "year in pics" so far and can't wait to see more! I really loved the moss on the fence, that is something just like what i would have done. I try to see what others might not, but then again, what ever is caught in a snap shot is always beautiful. Keep that camera snapping! hugs, Patty


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