Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Toots for designer friends (nice downloads for YOU) and my iphone gallery for today

First I'd like to give "Toots" for two dear designer friends - first KimB - she has the most LOVELY Quick Page for giveaway on her blog! You can catch that by clicking HERE. Her blog is always full of adventures too - she fits more in a day than I do in my entire week haha!

The second "Toot" is for my friend Linda who has an entire kit for you - only don't wait or hesitate because its only available for free until June 1st! You will be kicking yourself if you miss this one - click HERE to be taken to her blog!

PS:  Leave these talented and generous gals some L♥VE!

The rest of this post is going to be devoted to my little foray out into the world to day – in photos taken with my iphone.  Hope you enjoy!


A burst of spring color! 


Pretty even before this blooms.


Lovely lupine.


Some sort of columbine!


Simply Stunning.


Beautiful underneath as well.



Even dandelions are welcome and sunny.


Alive or not so alive – a study in symmetry.


How I wish your browser had “smell” – the aroma of these red willow blossoms would make you levitate!


Plain old spear grass is not plain old (forgetting in a few short months I’ll be biting my tongue as I pick these little heads from my socks…)



Hope you enjoyed my little iphone photo gallery for today!


  1. Barb, I just caught your post and you are just THE SWEETEST! Thank you for the TOOT, TOOT and girl, your photos are STUNNING!

    Here I am talking about our little 'ol wildflowers and then I come and take a gander at all of this gorgeousness! I do believe I was actually able to smell the Red Willow Blossoms! He, he ...

    I read your email yesterday and owe you one ... or two! Thank you for thinking of me and for sharing all that you've been up to sweetie.

    You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda XX

  2. awwww...those pictures are awesome..I must learn how to use my camera on my phone for those moments caught there beauty. Yes kim always has great stuff and she is a very talented lady. Have a great time with the family.


  3. Good morning Barb:)
    I LOVE your photos..and I LOVE when you share your walks with us!!:) Some of those flowers I can honestly say..I can't remember ever seeing before.So pretty and I love your description of your red willow blossoms...levitate eh? :)
    Thanks so much for sharing the links to Kim and Linda's blogs..they really do have some BEAUTIES over there..and are sooo generous too!:)
    Jim shampooed carpets yesterday and I cleaned behind the things he moved. You really wouldn't want to see before and after pics of THAT!!!LOL Not much computer time then either.:)
    Have a wonderful week and weekend my friend!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I LOVE your visits! Can't wait to see what you do with your sewing machine too.:)I refuse to compete with you though..cause I would lose.LOL


  4. Gorgeous photos - thanks for sharing :)

    Have a lovely weekend.


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