Friday, May 13, 2011

Appointments and Painting and My Eye and Cherries Jubilee FREEbie!

Whew and what a week it has been!  In pictures, here's what I've been up to:

Just a cleaning (whew!)

Children's Church room - going from THIS
to a pretty and soft and tasteful theme. 

My Eye!

How amazing is this?  My ophthalmologist actually allowed me to get my own eyes sent to me in my email.  It is incredible to examine the minute details of the inside of an eye - almost like an aurora borealis in some ways.  The good news?  My eyes are PERFECT for computing, a good thing because I spend countless hours here but the not so good news is I do need reading glasses to do the close up work on sewing etc but even more of concern is I need "real" glasses for distance vision for driving.  Yeah, really need them. 

I have a little story to tell here - my Mr. also needs a prescription as well - now he is going to order his from the opthomologist here but I had decided that I would order mine online if I needed, I'm going to go with a place I've heard good reviews about.  I won't publish the name at this time pending on how it turns out for me, so I'll do another post on that.  Thing is I can get my first pair for free and I can't pass that up.  However, I did need to try some frames on at the local place to see what suits my face etc...

Well, I just could not take up their time without feeling terrible so I decided to be honest from the get-go and I'm so glad I did.  They were very gracious about it all and helped me.  Very impressive.  I don't really like to not shop local as I like to support or own community, but the difference between free and around $200 is a big leap and choosing to live on one income one has to make choices.  Have you ever had to weigh something out like this?  I'd love to hear your story!

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow - our church is having a "swap" of Pastors - and I'm heading over to Keremeos with my Mr. who does music ministry and our pastor and friends (a couple) as well.  It should be a fun experience. 

Lastly, I've been dabbling around (any spare moment I can squeak in) on the computer (some of it class related at school) and I created this little gift for YOU!  These measure about 5 inches in size.  Click on the word DOWNLOAD to make it yours! :) 

Personal Use


  1. Good evening Barb:)
    The Dentist AND the Ophthalmologist??? You sound like us..trying to get caught up with the body repairs.:)

    Sounds like the Children's Church room is going to be pretty.Hope you plan to take pics to show the before and after.:)

    So happy your eyes are okay for the computer.I have to take breaks from my computer because everything blurs for a while until I rest my eyes.:( I even had an eye migraine about a month or so ago.That sure was weird!!Everything was wavy when I looked at it.NOT COOL!!:) I rested my eyes for a while and everything went back to normal.ONE of the reasons I gave up designing on my blog was because of too much close up work.KWIM? Those stray pixels will get you every time.LOL
    Your "swap" of Pastors sounds so interesting!! Can't wait to hear how it goes with you!!
    I LOVE the Cherries Jubilee!! Thank you sooo much for sharing.:)


  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on May. 15, 2011. Thanks again.

  3. Interesting images sis, glad all is ok with the exception of having to wear glasses. Thanks for the freebee.


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