Monday, May 02, 2011

Mojo One-Eighty-Nine & Mel's Magnificent Candle Man

Did you'all get in to vote today?  I hope so.  I almost did not - my day completely messed up from the get-go!  I think its because I decided to take the advice of the "Simplify Your Life" series book suggestion to make a schedule so I did that and had it all laid out... so of COURSE everything went south.  Well the first thing was that I guess I'd bopped my camera yesterday, in all the fire excitement, unbeknowndst to me (I KNOW thats not a real word!) I must have given it a small hit and the shutter zoom button sprung off.  Its only a month old.  I took the chance and drove it up to London Drugs - which was not in my schedule.  By the time I came back to the school where my Mr. teaches in the neighboring community it was mid morning, then my sweet friend Mel O transported me home, down to vote, home again.  Sigh.  I made it through. 

Right, so my card, which I did in pecks between my latest tackling of a huge bank of storage closets in the basement. 

This is as good as I can get with my iphone, seeing as I am camera-less for a few days.  I know my Mr. will loan me back the Nikon - might cost me a few batches of something baked, or perhaps a foot massage.  And a last note I just added three white pearls to this shrivelly strip because I forgot the three dots.  Various Stamps etc, can't find the names. Sorry!

I talked about my friend Mel O the other day - she's a dear friend and she comes and stays over now and again, which she did this last Saturday night and we watched an Janette Oke movie, ate sweet/salty homemade popcorn with toasted coconut and toasted walnuts and painted our nails - purple, yeh believe it or not the Mr. picked it for me.   But I had to share this craft Mel makes.  This is her quaint Santa figurine she's making for a family friend.  Totally made from Beeswax sheets - these take her FOREVER to build.

She says the beard will go much further down.  I have a set of these, a Mr. and Mrs. S... mine have wicks in, but I'll never burn them, they are too much fun to look at.  


  1. Excellent card sis, I love the closeup of the crimped flag. This card is great. I see the sparkles :)

  2. Such a fun card! And that beeswax Santa is incredible. Thanks for playing along with Mojo Monday

  3. Beautiful card! Love it! Olena

  4. Good morning Barb:)
    Your card is so COOL!! I too love the crimped flag with the sparkles.:)
    The beeswax Santa is COOL too!! I bet it does take a long time to do one.I don't think I have seen anything like that up close.Thanks for taking the pics.:)
    Sure hope your camera can be fixed real soon.I know you love your camera!!:)

    Have a wonderful day my friend and if you see yourself passing by..slow down.LOL


  5. awesome card Barb ...and Mel ..your friends will love their Santa candle. Looks like you and mel had lots of fun. What no dollar store any more. Have a great week.


  6. Very nice card Aunty Barb! It turned out great.

    Mel O's candle is cute...i bet it would take some great time to do.

    Well i am hoping to get a mojo up later today if not i will get one done this week.


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