Monday, May 09, 2011

Mojo # 190 and I'm soooo Bee-zee!

Just a super-quick fast post today.  Got too much cookin' and don't want anything burnt, if you know what I mean! 

I'm not enamored of this card, it was a real struggle - too much on my mind to enjoy.  But it got done.  Nothing special used here, just used up bits of this and that.  But it got done.  Can you imagine?  It GOT done! 

Now, I love to encourage people and I felt like encouraging someone today.  So, I used my Free calling using my gmail account and I called wayyyyy up to Northern BC to the community of Taylor.  I've been watching "Village on a Diet" on CBC tv while I work out and I had just reached the 10th episode where everyone got to see how many "body age" years they lost, and the weight and I was so moved by the show that I just picked up the phone and called.  I talked to Melissa at her pizza parlour and I just laid on the encouragment.  The whole town has done a tremendous amount of work and I wanted to let them know.  Have you ever done something like this before?  You might want to check out the show - you can watch all the episodes online.  Just go to and look under "shows" and find Village on a Diet. 

Keep it up Melissa - and each one of you who have worked so hard. You deserve every bit of praise you get!

So, blog readers - have YOU reached out to encourages someone today?  I dare you to do something crazy encouraging.  


  1. Love you little quilled be sis, your card is fabulous. Village on a Diet was amazing, and very inspiring.

  2. Your card is beautiful i love how bright it full of color.

    Can't say i have seen your show but good for you for reaching out. Can't say i have ever done anything that cool.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful card in the was a lovely surprise in the mail box. We are all settled in but we sure have tons of stuff to do outside.

    Hope you have a great week!


  3. Hello sweetness!

    Yes, I still love you! LOL! That is a given.

    Oh, Barb, we are both living in the busy lane and well, that is a good thing me thinks as we are "doin'", eh? No worries. Ever!

    I, too, have been working on organization and had signed up for a free class via Simple Scrapper. I am great at coming up with ways to organize my business, but needed a little "bump in the rump" to make a game plan! So it is written. So it shall be done! He, he ... :)

    I am SO happy that you were able to purchase a membership with Al again at ActionFX. I surely know that I will not be able to afford his new prices once he launches the new site, so I signed on for two! Now, to get down to some serious designing business and use all he has to offer!

    Love your *Bee Happy* card! Once my last child moves out (I'm in no hurry to see him leave *wink*), I shall declare his room a craft room so that I might bring out my craft supplies that have been in hiding for far too long! LOL!

    *Village on a Diet* sounds wonderful and how special for you to give Melissa a call and cheer her and the others on! Woot, woot ... yeah!

    Have an AMAZING week lovely lady and I'll catch up with you soon!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda XX

  4. Good morning Barb:)
    I know what you mean..bee-zee here too.LOL
    I think you did a WONDERFUL job on your card!! LOVE your bee...and the ribbon is cute too.:)I was thinking I needed to start using glitter adds that little bit of a punch.KWIM?:)
    I plan on trying to find time to make mine today...but you know what they say about plans.(they're made to be broken)LOL


  5. love the card Barb ...sorry i missed your card. So busy trying to get things done ...time where does it go.


  6. love the card! dont know the show u spoke of but i have been on twitter, campaigning 4 poor in this country! i did get response from Russell Simmons & now he is campaigning too! big accomplishment cuz he has big bucks & pull. he's "Calling on revolutuion to make oil, healthcare companies and rich people to help bear the burden". i think that's quite an achievement! i promise to devote more time on Mojo Mondays & enter sometime soon! how can sharing cards NOT be fun? :) xoxo


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