Saturday, May 07, 2011

Happy National Scrapbooking Weekend!

Wishing everyone a Happy National Scrapbooking Weekend and a Happy Mother's Day too!   I'll post a little about what I've been up to, then celebrate NSW with a FREEBIE!

One thing that I do each week is update my church women's blog and I'm mentioning this here because the OCC Women's Online is coming up to 100 posts in the near future so over the coming weeks we will be giving away some books!  This week's book is:

So if you might like to WIN this book, just leave a comment over on the blog - click HERE!   Send a friend or two - also, each week we give away new FREE Scripture wallpaper for your computer, check this out under "The Gallery" tab.  Besides the free stuff there's a lot of good inspiration to be found, a wonderful place to be inspired. 

I'm also continuing to work my way through the "Simplify Your Life" workshop (via listening to podcasts from and offered by Marcia Ramsland who is a professional organiser. 

One month later, 107 photos in my online Picasa web album and my house is really shaping up.  I've got SPACE and it feels wonderful - this will propel me to do some redecorating soon.  I've gone through 90% of my drawers and cupboards and the last thing I tackled was chopping down a TON of cardboard boxes I'd been saving.  Many of them were for pieces of equipment or appliances, kept thinking that if we ever had to return an item...  I've got a few friends following along and some even working along with me and its SO encouraging.  You're welcome to join the fun!

I have to share this sign I saw yesterday (on the way to the thrift store where I was headed to retrieve a pretty cupcake stand I saw the day before and decided to buy, but then it was GONE ... sigh ... you snooze you lose - but I DID buy a splatter cover for the microwave and I'd had my eye out for one of those!) 

Is it just me - or is this funny?   I get this mental picture in my mind:

Like inside that building there are people sitting at tables with art supplies... DRAWING meat?  *snort*

And I've been teaching digital art class on Fridays at Oliver branch.  Its just a few hours in the mornings and its proved to be a lot of fun.  Yesterday's class we did "self portraits" using Art Rage.  I took my sweet Mr:

And turned him into:

I should have corrected his "lazy eye" - he's quite shy about this but it shows up whenever a camera is pointed in his direction.  What a great subject he is though!
I have permission from Jill and her son Cameron who are taking this workshop to use photos of them to show you what we are doing, its such a joy to have family working side by side.  They are so positive, enthusiastic - and as it turns out - talented!

Jill and Cameron - DIGITAL ARTISTS!

Cameron has a good handle on his self-portrait

Jill and herself :)

Can you believe this is her first attempt?  Do you know Art Rage has a FREE version?  just click HERE to check it out!   Saves a ton of money on art supplies. 

And now, on to this being National Scrapbooking Weekend - there are a ton of great giveaways and offers all over the Internet today - I'd like to point you to a few places, you can find them in my sidebar.  In particular Scrapbook-Elements is hosting some fun events, my friend KimB always has wonderful products and gorgeous giveaways (more about that tomorrow or Monday because I used her kit to make a special project)  and then Linda too.  But seriously, check out some of the links in my sidebar for scrapbooking and you will be bound to find lots of great stuff to celebrate!

And even ME since I was already in Art Rage I decided to paint up a little goodie I cooked up - for you for NSW.  Enjoy!   (and Happy Mother's Day!)

Personal Use


  1. So much information.... love the turtle. I imagine that you are doing a fabulous job with the class and the portraits look wonderful.

  2. wow watch out for the urtle ...she is so cute will be seeing her really soon. Yes I need to look more in to the Art Rage program...awesome job of teaching.
    Have a Great Mother's Day tomorrow.

    lots of hugs and love

  3. Good evening Barb:)
    I can see you have been quite busy lately.:)It's almost bedtime here and I have been going all day...ready to hit the hay.hehe
    LOVE your drawings!! The one of Miles is so good.:)
    Your students are learning really fast too.:)Great work!!
    Thank you so much for your Missy (Hearty) Turtle.:) Love her hair!!How CUTE!!

    Happy Mother's Day my friend!! Hope it is all you hoped it would be.:)

    Love and hugs,

  4. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on May. 08, 2011. Thanks again.

  5. AnonymousMay 09, 2011

    Love your Blog...keep it beautiful wife.


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