Monday, May 30, 2011

Mojo 193 and More Iphone Foto Adventures!

Time once again for Mojo - and I just bet I get to do it at the same time as  my sister this week.  My take on it is very convoluted and experimental.  I decided to do both round and square at the same time.  And to make several pages, always wanted to try that.  I'm not sure if it's a success or not.  You can decide for me.  Sure did take a looooong time to make, in between vacuuming, laundry, dishes and working out. 

I used a wordart from TLCreations and I embossed the black pattern with some black powder - not sure what it's called.  I did not realize unitl after that I should have put the parts of the card together and then cut the circle out all at one time, therefore some of the circles are not perfect.  Better luck next time. The sunshines are my own freebie from a few posts ago. 

  Inside the first page.  I drew the little swirlies.

Inside the second page - again, my own sunshine freebie and a little dollar store stamp on the left.  I like the idea I can write loads of good stuff in this card - almost more like a little letter story book.

Insided the last page - again, more writing space.  I pieced together coordinating bits of paper to make a cut out sun for the back page. 

Ah yes, time to get a new paint brush to sweep the embossing powder away more accurately - though I think its ok on this fun and casual card. 

Not sure if I would attempt this again, far too much work.  My head was swimming by the time I finished. 

Here are some random Iphone Adventure Photos from the past two days:

Stopped on our run yesterday which took me and my Mr. behind the airport where they were having drag races...

Gettin' ready!

They are OFF!

Love the color of these.

Cherries are slow this year.

I have a few more photos but will post these later.  Must go visit with my Mother and Father in Law!  Thanks for visiting. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Toots for designer friends (nice downloads for YOU) and my iphone gallery for today

First I'd like to give "Toots" for two dear designer friends - first KimB - she has the most LOVELY Quick Page for giveaway on her blog! You can catch that by clicking HERE. Her blog is always full of adventures too - she fits more in a day than I do in my entire week haha!

The second "Toot" is for my friend Linda who has an entire kit for you - only don't wait or hesitate because its only available for free until June 1st! You will be kicking yourself if you miss this one - click HERE to be taken to her blog!

PS:  Leave these talented and generous gals some L♥VE!

The rest of this post is going to be devoted to my little foray out into the world to day – in photos taken with my iphone.  Hope you enjoy!


A burst of spring color! 


Pretty even before this blooms.


Lovely lupine.


Some sort of columbine!


Simply Stunning.


Beautiful underneath as well.



Even dandelions are welcome and sunny.


Alive or not so alive – a study in symmetry.


How I wish your browser had “smell” – the aroma of these red willow blossoms would make you levitate!


Plain old spear grass is not plain old (forgetting in a few short months I’ll be biting my tongue as I pick these little heads from my socks…)



Hope you enjoyed my little iphone photo gallery for today!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mojo 192 - Weekend in Pics - Some Sun for YOU! (freebie)

Heavens - I thought last week was 192 but I see it was 191.  I'm out of sync.  Having a wonderful visit with my in-laws, terrific in fact!   Thus the lack of blog time - family 1st!   Speaking of family, I wanted to post WITH my sister today because that makes me happy but it turns out she's got other things cooking.  Ah well, perhaps next week. 

Here is my take - forgive the photos, taken with my iphone.

I don't know which designer papers these are - I do know thats a graphics fairy lilac and the baubles under the sentiment are both bits of jewelery I have picked up here and there.  The triangle and gold piece is an earring, the green beads from a necklace.  This is some of the ribbon I bought at the thrift store earlier this week - I used glue tape to run the mauve through the middle of the blue.  The scalloped edge of the paper called for my fiskars trimmer.  The sentiment is a stamp given to me by my friend Melanie O and the circle shapes cut out at my Sisters on her nifty little machine.  Sentiment embossed in gold tinsel.  

This week end in (iphone) pics:

Ah - SUNSHINE (Saturday)  Taking advantage of it.

First June Bug! 
I'm happy to see this little dude.

Garage Sales. 

I really REALLY wanted the Le Crueset pot (forefront) but resisted.  It was quite worn inside.  Since I've  gone through the Simplify Your Life workshop I'm resistant to collect clutter.  This said I did buy two new items at the yard sales.  One is a small ice cream maker (it has a cylander which you freeze, I had one before and loved it)  The second item is a rowing machine - a replacement for my old one which was falling apart.  Need this machine to work off all the wonderful food my Mother in Law is cooking up!

Num!  My Mr. cooks!

My Mr made these fabulous ravioli from scratch!  He filled them with a mixture of ground beef, mushrooms and boursin cheese.  Paired with cutlets Mom whipped up it was a memorable meal. 

Finally, here are some Sunshines for you - please use them as you wish. personal or commercial. It would be nice if you credit me when you use these in your kits and I'd LOVE to see how you use these in your kits or projects!    I created these from a drawing which one of my art students had in her sketchbook - turned them into line art.  About 5 inches in size, png format, 300 dpi.   Just right click on each to download.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mojo 191 and My Oven ;)

It just feels wrong to not post the same time as my Sister Nina.  We've always posted together but with the days finding me industrious and with her keeping insisting I post and with my Mother in Law arriving tomorrow, well I'd better bite the bullet or I fear I may forget entirely.  Just know Sis, its wrong!  It won't be a habit I easily embrace. 

I really enjoyed this week's sketch - it had lots of parts but was easy to work with. 

Here is my take on this pattern:

The supplies I can name here are the stamp from Inkadinkadoo which I embossed using Versaink watermark pad and Silver Tinsel embossing powder.   I crinkled the black "ribbon" paper with a Fiskars crimper.  The scalloped circle was created on my sister Nina's machine when I visited earlier.  Not sure what papers I used.  The ribbon behind the Birthday Wishes sentiment came from the thrift store. 

Speaking of thrift store, I am really spoiled by the ladies there - they give me "bulk buy" on things because I'm a once a week regular there.  (I don't just buy stuff, I do leave things, especially now I've worked my way through the Simplify Your Life workshop) 
So my latest find is:

All of these - for $3!  No kidding!  You can't really see but there is even some sheer in there - something I've been wishing for. 

Lastly I want to share about my (very reluctant) oven cleaning experience.  I had a friend over just the other day and I told her in a very forward way that I was not, NEVER - EVER going to clean the oven.  I would do everything else in the house but was going to beg my Mr. to do that. If there was one and only one thing that I would ask him to help with to prepare for my MIL's visit, it was the oven. 

This was based on my last oven experience.  See, we like pizzas and pies and pizza pies in this household and they wreak havoc with my oven.  Yes, I do have an oven liner but it somehow permeates right through that I think ;) 

This said and stated, of course I wound up cleaning the oven, there was just no other way.  My Mr. is too busy and he also helped me teaching computer art class this past Friday, giving up 1/2 his own day, bless his heart.  I had him pick me up some oven cleaner and I prepped my nasal passages for the anticipated fumes and warmed up my arms for the 1/2 day upper body workout I knew was coming due to the baked on grime.  Sigh.

But, Mr. brought me home this:

Now I've been living in the dark ages because I had not used this cleaner before - last time I ventured into my oven it was with Easy Off but not this heavy duty stuff.  I know my sister told me about it at one point but it flew through the ear canals and departed.  Had I known!

BTW this is not for self cleaning ovens, which I don't have.  Okay, so I spay this in the oven the night before and ... no fumes!  Light lemon scent.  Hmmm, this is hopeful!  Go to bed, sleep - get up, pull on the yellow rubber gloves that tie me in nicely with the look of the can of cleaner - prep for a 1/2 day adventure with the brillo pad...

1/2 hour later its SPARKLING!  NO scrubbing! 

No kidding.  I was in shock and awe.  I am not paid or sponsored in any way by Easy Off - I only tell what I know and I know that Easy Off made my life easier.  So much easier that it gained me an extra 1/2 day in which I made my Mojo card in and got so much more done too.  I'll be cleaning my oven on a regular basis - with anticipation! 

Do you have an oven cleaning story? 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Appointments and Painting and My Eye and Cherries Jubilee FREEbie!

Whew and what a week it has been!  In pictures, here's what I've been up to:

Just a cleaning (whew!)

Children's Church room - going from THIS
to a pretty and soft and tasteful theme. 

My Eye!

How amazing is this?  My ophthalmologist actually allowed me to get my own eyes sent to me in my email.  It is incredible to examine the minute details of the inside of an eye - almost like an aurora borealis in some ways.  The good news?  My eyes are PERFECT for computing, a good thing because I spend countless hours here but the not so good news is I do need reading glasses to do the close up work on sewing etc but even more of concern is I need "real" glasses for distance vision for driving.  Yeah, really need them. 

I have a little story to tell here - my Mr. also needs a prescription as well - now he is going to order his from the opthomologist here but I had decided that I would order mine online if I needed, I'm going to go with a place I've heard good reviews about.  I won't publish the name at this time pending on how it turns out for me, so I'll do another post on that.  Thing is I can get my first pair for free and I can't pass that up.  However, I did need to try some frames on at the local place to see what suits my face etc...

Well, I just could not take up their time without feeling terrible so I decided to be honest from the get-go and I'm so glad I did.  They were very gracious about it all and helped me.  Very impressive.  I don't really like to not shop local as I like to support or own community, but the difference between free and around $200 is a big leap and choosing to live on one income one has to make choices.  Have you ever had to weigh something out like this?  I'd love to hear your story!

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow - our church is having a "swap" of Pastors - and I'm heading over to Keremeos with my Mr. who does music ministry and our pastor and friends (a couple) as well.  It should be a fun experience. 

Lastly, I've been dabbling around (any spare moment I can squeak in) on the computer (some of it class related at school) and I created this little gift for YOU!  These measure about 5 inches in size.  Click on the word DOWNLOAD to make it yours! :) 

Personal Use

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tip for Freezing Fruit

A dear friend brought some fresh picked rhubarb - perfect because my mother in law is coming next week and she LOVES to make rhubarb pie. We missed out last year. So I decided to freeze it right away.

I put it on cookie sheets, generally lining it with wax paper first but today I tried a couple of those plastic cutting matts. They worked perfect and...

When it was frozen and ready to go into the bag I only had to lift the matts up, loaded with fruit and tip it straight in!

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, May 09, 2011

Mojo # 190 and I'm soooo Bee-zee!

Just a super-quick fast post today.  Got too much cookin' and don't want anything burnt, if you know what I mean! 

I'm not enamored of this card, it was a real struggle - too much on my mind to enjoy.  But it got done.  Nothing special used here, just used up bits of this and that.  But it got done.  Can you imagine?  It GOT done! 

Now, I love to encourage people and I felt like encouraging someone today.  So, I used my Free calling using my gmail account and I called wayyyyy up to Northern BC to the community of Taylor.  I've been watching "Village on a Diet" on CBC tv while I work out and I had just reached the 10th episode where everyone got to see how many "body age" years they lost, and the weight and I was so moved by the show that I just picked up the phone and called.  I talked to Melissa at her pizza parlour and I just laid on the encouragment.  The whole town has done a tremendous amount of work and I wanted to let them know.  Have you ever done something like this before?  You might want to check out the show - you can watch all the episodes online.  Just go to and look under "shows" and find Village on a Diet. 

Keep it up Melissa - and each one of you who have worked so hard. You deserve every bit of praise you get!

So, blog readers - have YOU reached out to encourages someone today?  I dare you to do something crazy encouraging.  

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