Friday, April 29, 2011

My Art Class - (first time teaching!) and I meet a RAT!

I taught my first digital art class today, and survived!  I actually enjoyed it as did the students.  We explored Art Rage and learned how all the tools work and then the students did their own paintings.  Next week we will graduate them to a more serious piece of art. 

It was especially nice to have Jill join her son Cameron in the class, they both smeared a lot of digital "paint" onto canvas and were very enthused about the whole class. 

Oh, and all I can say is "Whew and Thanks" that my Mr. was there to help me or I would have been a basket case!   He does this instructing thing for a living and gave me many valuable pointers.

Here they are with their first ever masterpieces!  And yes, it was windy - Jill's hair is not jumping for joy on it's own :)  Thanks for your permission for me to post these photos and I look forward to seeing you next week!

And I met a rat today as well.  Who knew when I woke today that I would meet a rat?  Cute little feller but awful hard to catch on film for it squiggled around so much so I have decided to put it in a slidesho so you can get an overall feel for the 2 minute photo session. 

Meet The Rat


  1. Fabulous sis, my talented sister sharing her wonderful knowledge. I am so proud of you. Cute rat, he can stay there though.

  2. Good morning Barb:)
    I am thrilled for you! I know you were really excited to teach what you LOVE.... and to have your students just as excited is so wonderful!!:)I too am proud of you!!
    I agree with Nina about the rat!LOL

    Huge hugs and LOTS of love,

  3. A PET rat no less. I thought it was going to be one of those big black unwelcome ones.

    Glad your class went well. Looks like they had fun.


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