Monday, April 18, 2011

Mojo ONLY (holding myself back)

Haha, I have information overload to share, but like my wise younger sister pointed out, I should save some of it and spread it out over a few days, so that's just what I'm going to do.  I bet you are relieved ;)

I love it.  This sketch was SIMPLE.  Ummm in case the Mojo bosses *giggle* are reading this, the feedback I get is that "simple is good"  - not that WE are simple, we can handle it yeah yeah, but Simple goes so nice and quick - allowing us to perhaps do a few cards at once if our time permits.  Don't listen to me, I'm just thinking out loud here. 

I know, it's sentiment-less at the moment, but I need a few like this which are made up ahead and I could stamp at the last minute for a surprise occasion.  You know, the one that sneaks up on you and you have every card except "that" one! 

I don't know any of the papers but the flower, now there's a story in that.  I was doing some of my "Simplify Your Life" work today (one closet a day keeps the inner-hoarder away *snort*)  and I came across a pretty doily with pansies ringed all around it.  Now I knew I would not use that doily for furniture and so my one hand was wrestling with the other hand as it tried to deposit it into the give-away box, when I had an inspiration flash! 

I spent an hour trimming the pansies off of the main doily and now I have a couple of dozen flowers for cards. 

With a gold gem glued in the middle, a green leaf beneath, it looks perfect!  K, I will be quiet now, for today, anyway. 


  1. Your card is beautiful Aunty Barb! I really like the soft tones you chose to go with.
    There you go being all creative/thrifty again with your doily :) you are such a genius!
    I like your cute little bits of rambling/thinking out loud its cute and i could just hear your voice going was wonderful.
    I hope you have a wonderful week and i hope to be back on board next week.

    Big hug and lots of love!

  2. Good morning Barb:)
    What a COOL idea..taking the flowers from a doily.:)Another COOL idea is "make ahead"cards.I have plenty of those now that I have joined Mojo Monday.hehe.:)They have already come in handy for Christy.She worked and wasn't able to get a birthday card for someone and I offered one of mine.:)That was a FAST problem solver.LOL
    I LOVE your card!!! So happy you were able to get one up so quickly!! I am still working on one.Not sure I like it yet.:)Time will tell.
    I posted about our busy weekend ..if you would like to see.:)Just walk in the's open!!! Will email you soon.:)


  3. Beautiful card sis, the flower you saved from the doily is very pretty. Great job with all your sorting and cleaning.


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