Friday, April 01, 2011

Happy Birthday Brother!

credit: Saxon Holt's - UBINaturallyMaleALpha
available HERE

And even though his birthday falls on this unfortunate day, he is NO fool, my brother Dave!  Wishing you a wonderful one!  You can wish Dave a happy birthday too by visiting his wife Neti's blog HERE.

Have you seen the newest feature of Gmail?  It pretty amazing.  It's called Google Motion!  In case you've not seen it yet you might want to go to the gmail home page and check it out. 

And just because I've not posted anything for giveaway for a while and because its just NICE to give stuff away,  I thought I would offer up this pretty butterfly graphic for you.  It's in png format (transparent background) and is about 5.5 inches wide.  Fine for both personal and professional use, enjoy!   I'd love to see how you use this graphic - email me at with a photo and I'll post here!

click on graphic to download!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Barb:)
    Happy belated birthday to your brother Dave!! May his wish come true!!:)
    I haven't looked at my gmail account in ages.Must check that once in a while eh?LOL
    Thanks so much for sharing your pretty graphic with me. ILOVE it!:)
    Hoping you have a fantastic..relaxing weekend my friend.:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,


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