Monday, April 25, 2011

Mojo 188

My Mr and I were at the coast this weekend spending Easter with our family - a warm, wonderful and restful time.  As there is no internet connection beyond my iphone its very relaxing indeed.  I think we need that break from technology now and again, though I ate far too much delicious rich food (my Mother in Law is a fabulous cook and caters to all our favorites!) and watched countless shows on the food network.  I'll be hitting the machines this week in an attempt to burn some of it off. 

We arrived home mid afternoon and it began to rain not too long afterward.  When it came it came in buckets making it for a nice stay-indoors evening, a perfect time to craft this Monday's Mojo! 

Yay!  Thank you Mojo Ladies...  nice and simple and also a choice of shapes.  Why if you lived here I'd take you to Tim Hortons and buy you one of them new triple chocolate donuts I saw (salivating at the glass counter)

I love this paper my Sis gave me - all shimmery and pretty, good for all sorts of projects.  I really have to make myself use the prettiest papers because I have a tendency to hoard them... for what?  I don't really know.  So today I used this stuff up.  The stamp is from Inkadinkadoo.  I love saying that word.  I would annoy you if you happened to be here carding with me.  My Sis would tell me to "Shut the Kazoo (off)" 

The inks in blue and brown were from Michaels.   Well, that's it for now - perhaps I'll have another chance to card this week, we will see.  I'm teaching digital art lessons to grades 5-7 later this week and that might tax my artistic side.  Hope you all had a good weekend!


  1. Beautiful sis, love those flowers :) my my whereever did you find them heheheh. Love the card Barb, the recipient will love it.

  2. Another awesome card Barb...way to go ...will catch up with you this week ...have a great one. Sounds like lots of great food and family time.


  3. I love your long shelf! Where did you get it?


  4. I love your long shelf! Where did you get it?


  5. Good morning Barb:)
    How PRETTY!! I LOVE it!:)
    So happy you had a great time with your family over the weekend!Robby and family spent the night Saturday night and all day Sunday.:)We had my sister and BIL ..Mom and my Niece and Nephew and their kids over for a cookout.It was a LOT of fun!!:)Today..I am going shopping with Christy.She wants to go to a Farmers market to see if we can get better fruit than Walmart has to offer.(it goes bad too quickly)

    Have a marvelous day!!

    Love and Hugs,

  6. Such a pretty card! Love all the sparkle. Thanks for playing Mojo Monday!


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