Saturday, February 19, 2011

Busy Week - Fun with Friends!

I see that we have Valinda joining in with us for our Mojo fun, your cards look wonderful - hehe, you're going crazy with them - I see THREE Mojo cards now.  

This past week was one of my very busiest to date - lots of fellowship with friends, a craft day, school,  workouts most days and I squeezed a bit of designing in there too.  I think I will share my craft day with you here today.  My friends Marie and Julie came over and I taught them how to mix up and bake the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day and in turn Marie showed Julie and I how to make some pretty and jewellery out of tshirts. 

This is Marie, and she is going to show us how to make the necklace.  You will need a tshirt - she says that ones without seams are best though I've seen a few tutorials where they do use ones with seams.  The advantage of seamless t's are that you will be stretching the material and the ones with seams are in danger of breaking apart and also the seamless ones make a flatter, more polished and prettier necklace. 

Lay your tshirt out on a flat surface (you want to be careful as you might scratch the surface you are cutting on)  Cut and remove the bottom seam of the tshirt.  Discard it.  Next, cut about 1 inch horizontal strips, all the way up to the underseam of the arms. 

Meet Julie - she's a good learner and unlike me, is paying close attention to Marie's instructions. 

Once you have made all your strips you want to stretch them as far as your arms can go!

And strettttttchhhhh them some more!

And then some MORE - using your foot to anchor them, pull up with your arms.  I know, you PAID for this type of exersize in your aroebics class!

These are all ready to go.  The edges sort of twist over, like noodles.

Once you have all the strips done then you put them all together into one "rope" - at this point you can thread beads onto the loops or sew decorations on to them - I took strips of a fancy scarf and weaved them in.   Marie says its good to reserve one "rope" to tie the strands together so that the necklace strips stay together.  She does some sort of a knot which would be difficult for me to explain here but it hides the ends - I'm sure you will find a creative way to to do this or find an online tutorial on it. 

Pretty cool - huh?

You can even use knots as decorations!

Julie modeling my "fancy" scarf - she would make anything look purdy!

And with only a tshirt and a bit of pretty wool Marie created this very artistic looking fashion item. 


  1. Good afternoon Barb:)
    Well..when I first heard that you were gonna make jewelry out of t-shirts...I was kinda baffled...but now that I see what you are talking about...I understand it more.:) The jewelry sure brightens up an outfit...huh? My Niece is allergic to all this would be a perfect way for her to embellish.:)I will try to remember to send her your link.(note to self) hehe Thanks so much for showing us how to do it..and pleasethank your friends too!!

    Huge hugs and LOTS of love,

  2. Those look great and FUN.

    Might be a great idea for the teen girls at youth club. I can definitely see my elder daughter wearing something like this - probably as long as it's black!


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