Sunday, March 01, 2015

Retro Sketches Card & 365 Photo of the Day


The Daily Grind

First take on that makes a bed feel all the more snuggly in the morning.  Ever notice that?  All of a sudden the blankets feel just right, even if you didn’t sleep well at night, the moment you have to get out of bed you feel like you could fall off the brink of consciousness again.  The “grind” has gotcha! 

But that’s not really fair in my case.  For My handsome Mr gets up even before the early birds are getting’ their worms and he gives me a two-stage alarm warning.  The first time he wakes me up he tells me the time to unglue my eyes is a’comin and he gives me an extra 15 minutes to fade off.  Ah, I seem to have all sorts of mini-dreams happen in that gap and I remember them!  But the best is yet to come for when I’m woken the second time it’s to a cup of the best ever freshly brewed just-ground coffee which has done it’s happy burble in the cafetiere. And chocolate.  Dark chocolate. 

So “grind” is not a negative thing in my house. 

But that’s just the point!  If you’re feeling like your morning routine is a grind, take steps to make it the best thing it can be.  Do something enjoyable, uplifting!  Enjoy a quality beverage.  Make sure you give yourself time to really appreciate it.  A sweet of any sort will have plenty of time to melt off with a little fitness later on in the day, and isn’t it worth it just for that? 

I like to listen to the Daily Audio Bible each morning while I sip and sup.  I ♥ the way it’s narrated and it keeps me centered in God’s Word each day.  I watch the day dawn while I lean back against my pillows and soak in the scripture and offer up my prayers before I even get thinking about what my plans may be for the day.  It brings such a peace and joyfulness to the very first important minutes of the morning. 

How do you begin your day?

Retro Sketches #155 Challenge

I enjoyed this simple sketch – it used up a few scraps I had at hand.


And I whipped up this:



I used a snippet of paper by Heart and Home Collectables.  The Sunshine stamp is by Imaginisce and the sentiment is from My Favorite Things.

I made a light wash of yellow and orange watercolor on well dampened watercolor paper.  I dried it and stamped the Sunshine.  Lastly I filled in the sun with Diamond Accents.


  1. I listen to DAB every morning as I am getting ready for the day, too. I am on my fourth year through! It is so nice to connect with someone else in the "family".

    Love your cards. You do some very beautiful cards.

    1. Hi Tawn,

      Thanks for your kind words - I think I'm about 4 years in too. Let me know if you'd like me to SEND you a card sometime :)

    2. Oh, I would love one of your cards. I love making cards but I am no where near as talented as you. I also don't have the imagination to come up with my own designs. I usually have to find a card I like and use it as an guide.

  2. I should also say that along with the DAB, I start each day with my coffee and candy corn!!! Love that stuff, but I do have to count how many I eat or I could polish off a bag a day. (It's not available year round, so I buy about 30 bags in the fall and store it in a plastic bin. A girl's gotta do what is needed.

  3. oh, I love it!!! beautiful, beautiful!!! thanks for playing along with us at retro sketch!!!

  4. I LOVE your card and the sentiment is perfect to go with your happy sun.:)


  5. Wonderful card Barb, I love the cheerful papers.


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