Friday, March 20, 2015

365 Photo(s) of the Day (even more Steamboat Rock)


This will be my second to last day of posting about beautiful Steamboat Rock State Park in Washington State, USA.  There are so many things I love about this place, and different nuances with each season.  I love the texture and rich color of the moss and lichens.


The brilliant saturated color makes a striking backdrop to this weathered heavy chain.

lichen 2


I could get lost in macro photography with the beautiful lichen.


The Arrowleaved Balsamroot (we just call them sunflowers) are just emerging!  When these come out full-force its something lovely to behold.


Not a very clear photo, this is the first Shooting Star of the year too!   I have very fond memories of this flower – as a kid I was fascinated by these.

There were an abundance of buttercups and my fetching husband said that when he walked around the top of the “Steamboat” he saw many tiny pansies as well.

I’ll finish off the last of my photos of our visit to Steamboat Rock tomorrow.

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