Friday, March 06, 2015

MTF Wed Sketch Challenge 216 & 365 Photo of the Day


“Honeycomb won’t you be my honey, Honeycomb won’t you be my gal?” 

Well, its not really a honeycomb because I happen to know these are wasp nests.  But they make me think of honeycombs.  These came out of a neighbor’s mailbox and I couldn’t resist taking them and spraying them gold.  They decorate little niches of my home and I’m sure they will be repurposed yet into something very cool. 

But now I’ve got honeycomb on the brain and I think of Pooh Bear getting stung all up all to have a good taste of sweet honey.  And I think of my sweet Mr who eats all his cereal, including Honeycomb, dry, as a snack.

And I think of Proverbs 16:24

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb,

sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

Which is utterly sound thinking to the point of if you don’t have anything good to say, perhaps being silent is a wiser choice yet. 

But now I’m thinking wasps again and it makes me remember when I was a child and was fascinated by the wasp trap my Grandma used to make out of a plastic bottle.  First she would cut a porthole in the lower half, then he would put a bit of fish (like a sardine) or meat on a string.  The string was held in place by the cap of the bottle and dangled half way down into the bottle.  Then she would add an inch of water in the bottle and hang the whole works up in a tree, not too high. 

The wasps would come and eat their fill, fall into the water and drown.  It really worked!



MTF Wednesday Sketch Challenge 216

I made:




Stamps – My Favorite Things, Stampin Up, Studio G

Designer Paper – My Mind’s Eye

Tombow Markers

Wink of Stella

I got a little carried away with the swirls and things on the side.


  1. I would LOVE to see what you have done with the honeycombs you collect! :) Thanks for sharing the scripture verse to go with it!

    I LOVE your card and LOVE your swirls and how you have the sentiment etc bordered with a trim.:) AWESOME!


  2. Your card is so pretty Sis, I love the design.


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