Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy NEW Year


Isn’t it funny how your mind can convince you that something intangible is tangible?  What I’m talking about is that I can think myself into accepting it’s a new year for my life, even though in reality that’s just a date we’ve all collectively set on a calendar page.  As a Christian, every day is a new year, a new day for me in the essence of living a life of faith.   I get going along so busy that I fail to remember that each day is a choice. 

I love fresh starts.  I’m the sort of person that does not like to read books twice (besides the Bible) or watch movies more than once.  I always enjoyed the first days of school with a fresh new wardrobe (note: I grew up in a family of 8, 6 boys and my Sister oh so much younger than me, so mostly this meant new girl clothes for me) and new school supplies.  I can still smell the wood shavings as I sharpened my brand new pencils and make the first marks on the snowy white pages of my scribblers. 

So though this is a man-made reminder I am glad for it. I like this quote from C.S. Lewis which blipped on my Twitter feed today:



And this from the Bible too:

Lamentations 3:22-24

The Message (MSG)

22-24God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
   his merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're created new every morning.
   How great your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over).
   He's all I've got left.


I don’t make “resolutions” as such but I'm going to take a challenge with my friend Valinda.  We are going to take the “A Complaint Free World” challenge together.  Here’s a short video clip of the premise of it:




I fully agree with the fact I complain too much, that it has become a habit and I’d like to try this and see what a change it might bring along.  I think its really difficult for me to be grateful for everything in my life when I allow complaints to drip off my tongue, often without me even realizing it.

Now, this said, I do not want to turn myself into a Pollyanna and be a fake, and I know this is a fear of my husband’s thinking.  To me its sort of like this:

I’m not happy, I’m cheerful,

There’s a difference.

A happy woman has no cares at all,

A cheerful woman has cares but has

learned how to deal with them. 

~ Beverly Sills


And this:

Smile a smile!

While you smile

Another smiles,

And soon there are miles

and miles of smiles,

And life’s worth while

If you but smile.


And this:

Let me be a little sweeter -

Make my life a bit completer,

By doing what I should do

Every minute of the day,

Let me toil without complaining,

Not a humble task distaining.


I agree in part with what my Mr.’s thinking is – it would be unrealistic to think we could never ever ever complain because in some cases it would be almost impossible, however I believe trying not to complain will make me the better for it.  I think its like the difference between giving criticism or critique – when we criticize it come our own self view of something of someone else’s and simply takes something apart with no regard that there might be a person’s feelings involved.  Critique on the other hand, points out the positives and gives helpful advice and encouragement if needed to improve something. 

Ephesians 4:29

English Standard Version (ESV)

29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

James 1:26

English Standard Version (ESV)

26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Psalm 141:3

English Standard Version (ESV)

3 Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth;
keep watch over the door of my lips!

So I’m going to “slip on the band” (though for me it might be a piece of thread some days because I don’t like typing with a bracelet on – and other days when I’m wearing something nice it will be a real bracelet) which will remind me when I feel a complaint welling up.  We will see how I do and I’ll try to keep you informed here on how I’m doing. 

What is your “resolution” for the year, or something you might like to change to make 2012 a better you?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Home from the Holidays and Mojo 221

We spent Christmas with our family at the coast.  I’m so blessed to have in-laws who I love very much, especially precious to me as I don’t have my own parents or grandparents left. 

I treasure my Aunts and Uncles for they remind that life is a tapestry of weaved memories and we must be mindful to keep those memories alive or they could be lost forever.  We had a visit like this with our Aunt and Uncle who live right in the city and I enjoyed finding out things about my Uncle – things I never knew!  I’ve great respect for some of the jobs he did during his life.  And our Aunt dotes on us, she’s the hostess with the mostest!  

Of course we ate far too much as our Mom literally had buckets of candy that you had to migrate past through her Christmas-land of soft snow fluff and ornaments and candles.  She’s everything Christmas with decor in every corner.  Now I see my scale is telling me I’ve loaded on three extra pounds and will have to scale back.  That’s alright, its easy to do at home and besides, the food is what I love about the holidays.  It will be hit the gym etc in the coming days, only not today for I fear I’ve caught a cold.  It just ravaged through my sister in law’s house before they came for Christmas Day so it’s not surprising that I’ve got it, could not resist a hug or two on my nieces. 

And we loved having our daughter Dez home for the holidays, if only for a brief two days.  She arrived at Vancouver international airport in the deep of the night (2 a.m.) via her flight home from Houston, Texas where she was on a business trip.  She lives in Calgary but had her company fly her back to Vancouver to spend time with us, then she flew home out of Abbotsford airport.  So SO glad to have time with her, it’s been a YEAR since we got to hug her too!   We missed our daughter Melanie, but Mel lives much closer so we will be spending time with her very soon and celebrate Christmas all over again on a miniature scale. 

And and and I even got to have a coffee with another friend, Cicero!  She and I have been bloggie buds for a few years now and our friendship has stepped off the screen and very much into real life.  We’ve bible studied together and shared life’s ups and downs.  I’ve come to know and love you and the wonderful person you are.  Cis has a wonderful blog – always fabulous pics of the beautiful area she lives in and her recipes might make you have to protect your keyboard from drooling! 

Anyways, back at home and all settled in and able to play with the crafting supplies I was gifted with and also bought on Boxing Day sales too.  I was dying to play so have tackled the latest Mojo which is like a family tradition as my sister Nina, sister in law Judy, niece Samantha and dear friend Valinda all do with me as they are able.  I’ve missed it the past few weeks. 


Here is my take on Mojo Monday 221




I was dying to try my new Cuttlebug which was a gift to me this year!  (beeeammming!!!)  I used a happy birthday embossing folder on this orange paper.  I can see all sorts of possibilities – including making my very own folders, truly I’m a DIY experimental girl and I think I could do this, we will see. 

Supplies:  orange and blue cardstock, Designer Paper -  Surprise Party Cuttlebug embossing folder, Fiskars roller used to crinkle blue cardstock for cupcake base.  Orange Copic marker for accent on icing. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I’m still here!


I’m sure some of you think this is what happened to me – that I fell right off the face of the earth.  I sure feel like that some days too.  I want to say thanks for all of you who kept checking in with me to be sure everything is ok.  Its all better than ok. 

What has been keeping me so busy?  Well, I did do my first two craft fairs which were a new experience for me and I was pushed to create on a much bigger scale than ever.  I worked overtime to be sure I had enough “stock” to sell.  Then, a wonderful thing happened, just a few weeks ago I was asked to place my creations in a wonderful local shop called “The Feathered Frog”.  It’s a great little place and this is a terrific opportunity and I’m just tickled to bits.  I will blog more on this in the coming month as we are going to work hard to create a whole line of romantic and fun products.   A local newspaper is going to cover it so I’ll keep you informed. 

Because I had to put all my stock into the store I didn’t get cards out to our family or friends, how ironic is that?  I guess there are seasons for everything.  I am looking forward to a small break over the holidays to refresh.  We are spending it with our family and I’ll share as we go along. 

I don’t have any new cards to share, unlike my sister Nina who is guest designing like crazy these days (puffing up with pride) and my sister in law Judy and neice Samantha as well, but I will just  post two cards which I custom created for a client and I hear were a big hit:





These were both created using images from Graphics Fairy.  I love that site – I always find “the perfect” images there, and they are wonderful to accent and glam up a bit.  

I’m sorry that I can’t name or list the accents – they were gathered up from my remnants of supplies.  I swear I only have a handful of festive designer paper scraps left and am hugely anticipating restocking through the sales this holiday. 

Lastly I have to share the card I was inspired to make for our local gym – the idea for this one flew around in my head all one night and propelled me out of my cozy bed to create it:




The bell is a cut from the Silhouette store, the barbells my own design and accented with glossy accents to make them stand out.  The jingle bell and bow embellishment I believe I bought in the Silhouette store too.  The “Jingle Bells” word art was welded from Ballpark font from and then accented with gems.

I’ll try to be more diligent with my posting from here on in.  I hope all your plans and preparations are going smoothly! 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Ohhh I forgot my FAVE

I somehow missed THIS to die for eye candy dessert!

(I pecked away like hansel and gretel... Off to the gym tomorrow!)

School Christmas luncheon

What I've picked out for me to eat

Much better than reheated pasta

New card covering Mojo Monday and (NEW) Scrapbook Essentials BC!


I’m puffed up with pride as I post today for my very own sister Nina is a design team member for a new shop called Scrapbook Essentials BC.  This is their VERY FIRST challenge so it would be terrific if you might join us in making it a big success and perhaps you might find a delight in starting off something fresh!  (looks like the store carries some lovely products too – rubbing my hands)

My card is also acceptable to fit in with Mojo Monday which I do faithfully with my sister Nina, my Sister in Law Judy, my niece Samantha and my dear friend Valinda

Scrapbook Essentials BC challenge asks us to create a card with Whimsical Butterflies.

Mojo Monday gave us the following sketch to work out in real live paper format:

And here’s my take on these challenges:


What can I tell you about my supplies?  Not much, really!  The stamp was a gift, unmarked.   I coloured the blossom with pink felt and then embossed with shimmer.  The butterfly was a “print and cut” from Silhouette but I cheated and tore it down in my designer software and turned it into a two part cut.  I believe my background paper could be K&C company but I know Nina will confirm or deny for me.  She’s got a dp catalogue in her head.   I love the pretty pink glitter cardstock behind the butterfly.  I was gifted this shimmery and dotty ribbon at a vintage shop in town.  The green scallop behind the sentiment was cut on my Silhouette SD.

Thanks for your visit – I know everyone is busy these days. 

Monday, December 05, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Brothers and SIC Challenge #118


I’m hoping you all had a good weekend and a productive start to your week. 

First thing for me is wishing my brothers Barry and Bill (yep, twins) a Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Tuesday December 6th.  Hope you both get/got spoiled.  Each year that passes makes makes the times when I was a kid and you really were my BIG brothers seem like a fairy book story.  You don’t seem so big or scary anymore, in fact you both turned out to be nice guys and I’m proud to be your sister.  Me and the Mr. wish you the best year ever, not don’t disappoint us!

I “did” my second craft fair this past weekend with my friend Mel O who makes beautiful beeswax candles (she had people buzzing around our table for the lovely scents)  and her Mom made pretty crochet Travel Angels as well. 


Mel Candles

You can see some of her candles and angels here, but not Mel herself because (and we had such a giggle over this) not one picture of Melanie turned out good.  Every photo we opened up had her doing some sort of contortions with her face so I won’t embarrass her. 



I don’t know what I’m saying to this customer.  It looks like I’m saying come closer so I can grab you” or something.  I did not do that to my customers though, really.  I may look frightening and desperate in the photo, but I’m not.  I found my little teensy bird houses were a hit.

I took my Silhouette SD with me and did some demos, really created interest.  I even wound up creating some of my own designs and selling the cuts. 

I am SO touched by a post my bouncy, enthusiastic, encouraging friend Janice published this past week HERE …. awww it made me all weepy!  I love you, Janice, you know you’ve got a special place in my heart and there are many PLANS made yet to fulfill!  Thanks for your kind words and your always bubbly companionship, I treasure it!

Finally, I managed to fit in my Stampin’ Sisters in Christ card challenge  #118 Matthew 1:20-22 which I am doing in sync with my Sister in Law Judy

Scripture: Matthew 1:20-22, "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.' All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' which means, 'God with us.'"

ChallengeMake a card/project that features an angel, such as in the patterned paper, a stamped image, a charm, etc.

Here’s my take on this challenge:


This gorgeous angel came from Graphics Fairy.  I printed it off in deeply saturated color.  I backed her with gorgeous thick gold paper which my friend Marie saves for me from a brand of chocolates.  I covered the original stars in the picture with teeny stars I punched out of the same gold.  I have three layers of ribbon, a black sheer, a vintage light blue and then the royal blue wire ribbon.  I used a WalMart Merry Christmas block stamp, embossed with gold onto black cardstock.  I backed it with some black lace.  Its funny where that black lace comes in handy. 

Thanks for visiting! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mojo 217–SIC 117, my FIRST craft fair and a FREEBIE for YOU!

Where has the time gone?  Seems like yesterday I posted last but it has been a week or so.


In between then and now I took part in a local craft fair for the first time in my life.  It was a very positive experience for me, on the whole. The only glitch was arriving to find the spot I’d paid for and reserved was taken!  The merchant had set up the entire table with their wares – jams, jellies and whatnot.  It was FULL. 


I mean, how could I be ok with Mr and Mrs Santa if I’d been a grinchy grouch?

The confusion was not on the part of the organizers and as I had only needed the electric for a set of mini lights on my display, and being it was Sunday morning I decided to make things as easy as possible for everyone.  I said I’d go “wherever” – which in the end wound up being the perfect place to be. 
I’m “doing” another fair this weekend beside my lil buddy Mel O – her very first ever sale too.  She’s going to sell her beautiful beeswax candles (mmmm, can smell them now) and also some crocheted “Travel Angels” her Mom made too.  I’ll post about that later. 

On to my card for this week which is covering for two card challenges. 
Mojo Monday 217

Stampin’ Sisters in Christ Challenge 1:17 Matthew 6:25-34

Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 ".... Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?...."

ChallengeMake a card/project that features a bird, such as in the patterned paper, a stamped image, a charm, etc.

Here is my take on these two challenges (combined) which I am doing along with my Sister in Law Judy.


I did some recycling with this card – the two sweet birds came from a used greeting card (a woman at our local thrift saves them for me) I matched it with coordinating paper in colors which complemented the graphic.  The stamp is a little Studio G. 

The square button – well, thats my very own design, and I’m going to leave you a link here to download either the png files or the .studio files so you can cut your own 2 layered square edged buttons!


Just click on the graphic to download the files – these files will also be added into both the “Tabs” at the top of my blog under “free PNG carding templates” and also “free Silhouette .studio files” – always FREE, always available.  Please use these for your personal use (unless you consult with me – I’m pretty easy going) and don’t share my links but have your friends come pick them up for themselves. 

Happy creating!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Neighbours, First ‘sewn’ Card and more FREEBIES added to the “Vault”

Firstly Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours to the south (only 10 minutes to the south, but still…)  May your Turkeys be plump and moist, crispy on the outside or if you are Vegetarian or Vegan my your tofu be the same.  May your holiday be a time of connecting with family and a good rest.  We truly have so much to be thank you for.  I think having our Thanksgiving ahead and then your USA one causes me to think twice as hard about our blessings. 

I have been crafting like MAD in prep for my first ever craft fairs – I’m probably doing twice as much work as needed because I don’t know any better.  I’ve got my display figured out etc – but would welcome any wisdom from YOU if you have done this before? 

So I am making cards like crazy – and my dear friend Rose loaned me a sewing machine because the one I had was defective – I had many spats with it, it being the victor.  So, first thing I tried yesterday was to come up with my own “sewn” greeting. 




Whenever I make a cut with my Silhouette SD and there might be some wasted paper space around the object I’m cutting, I will toss a few heart, circle or other shapes in beside to make good use of the paper.  (specially when its exclusive designer paper)  I had all these sweet paper flowers to use up so I went wild with the straight stitch and sewed them onto this square format card.  I love this “quilted look” paper for the background to show up all the pretty patterns on the blossoms.  I embellished the centers with small pearls, alternating them between sizes.  I printed the sentiment in Word and then added a bit of gelly roller to soften it.  I thought this card could be for either a sympathy or to genuinely say … Sorry! 

On another note, I’ve added three more files to the Freebies Vault (tab top – scroll waayyyy down, the Christmas items are all at the bottom)   – these being a cute Santa hat and two versions of a Festive Ornament.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mojo 216 and Stampin' Sisters in Christ 116

Our first big snowfall all melted away today.  Very gloomy outside.  Windy.  I notice the wind comes up the lake from the south in the winter - its almost always opposite during the summer.  Never mind, I am all cuddled up inside and crafting and it can storm out there all it wants, nothings going to pry me out of my little crafting comfort corner. 

The other not so fun thing that happened this week was our phone line and internet biting the dust for a day.  I thought it was due to a power bump but it was actually due to...




Mmmm hmmm - sure he's eating something nice and innocent here but apparently he and his buddies have an especial appetite for power lines!  And so he's been nibbling away at ours to the point we now have to have a loooong line replaced. 

It was very funny - the telephone tech was just asking if we had squirrels when we heard this very angry "chi chi CHI!!!" and Shreddie took one look at the tech and scrammed.  Why Shreddie you ask?  Well thats because his side-dish used to be my patio furniture, the material parts.  It sounds like there's not much one can do for these pesky little critters, specially when we have bird feeders out.  I have a feeling this costs the telephone and cable companies a pretty penny.  

Ok, so on to cards. 

I'm doing this weeks Stampin' Sisters in Christ number 116 - Job 13:15 with my sister in law Judy.  

ChallengeMake a card of praise using music, stamp, or design paper, or just the word "praise."

Here is my version of this challenge:


Background dp:  Dragonfly Duet by Graphic 45

Stamp - Wooden, no branding on it. 

I cut the image on my Silhouette SD 

Mojo Monday # 216



I turned this design on its side for my card.  I had a request come in for me to create a sympathy card.  The person who died was involved with diamonds in their business - and this card is going to his widow and family.  I decided to create a "giving" card.  A "giving" card for me is one when I know it will not be mailed, so I can make it as big and fat and extravagant as I want to.  I have people donate their discarded jewellery bits - broken necklaces, earrings etc - and these make fabulous additions to some cards. 




I figure the diamond says it all - I included the following poem inside - which you can find HERE along with a beautiful little movie.  I thought the diamond glints on snow part was appropriate. 

Sympathy - Do Not Stand

Do YOU have a favourite poem or sentiment or site for these which you can share with me? 

Thanks so much for visiting me today!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stampin’ Sisters in Christ #115, a Funny Video and a FREE Clown element/cut file

Brrrr – while my good friend KimB cooks in the heat over in South Africa, having probably to deal with sweat threat to her computer and overheating, here sit I on this continent oh so far away and I’ve got shivering timbers for fingers… they don’t move very swift I’m telling ya! 


Good thing the pink ladies were picked last week for just when they were being loaded up to be taken  for processing… 

So we have had our “first snow” though it has not stayed other than in patchy areas.  Can I choose to rewind the seasons just for a bit?  Hehe, I could be happy with winter coming just a bit more on the December side. 

On to the card – I am taking up this carding challenge with my sister in law Judy

Stamping Sisters in Christ Challenge:  Create a card or project that depicts can be an image of something you are grateful for, a scripture that evokes your gratitude, or it can be a card made especially for a person you would like to thank this time of year!

Here is my take on this theme:


I do not know which designer paper this is.  I simply took the flower image already present and outlined the edges with brown felts and some glittery gold.  I added three gems into the center.  Now the tag – that’s interesting! 

I stamped the “I’m thankful for you!” from a wooden stamp.  It was actually a stamp which had flowers on it too, but I simply colored the words using color brushers.  Then I cut it in a rectangular shape and nipped the corners.  I squeezed Glossy Accents in a squggly line over the sentiment and let that dry.  I punched a tiny hole in it and threaded a ring, chain and charm (all salvaged from discarded earrings, necklaces etc)  I finished it off with the sheer ribbon in a nice rich brown. 

I always listen to music when I’m carding, it makes it fun.  My sister Nina has been putting country music in my ear – I like country but for sure its not the first thing I turn the dial to.  However, this said, I have to share the following video with you which keeps me in stitches:

And finally, I made a sweet Clown element – I’ve provided it in full PSD, in all png parts and also in .studio for Silhouette SD users.  Here’s a card I made using it:


YOU can decide whether you would like to use the plain “circle” eyes included or if you are a Silhouette SD user you may opt to use the little buttons I “stole” from my last Gingerbread Man cut and copied in here.  As you can see i used the teensy buttons and added some crochet thread in red.  I found it was helpful to use a tiny bit of double sided tape to stick the buttons down onto a stick (popsicle stick or stir stick for coffee) to anchor it while you try to tie a teensy tiny little knot.  

I added some creative shading to some of the “ruffle” and the hat.  Have fun, puh-leeeze show me what you make?  I’d love to share here.  This file is for personal use projects (unless you ask me for permission) and please have your friends come download directly from my blog – a comment would probably knock me over…

Click on preview to download!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mojo Card 215

Monday = Family = craft time!  (Nina, Judy, Samantha & Valinda)

Today's Mojo #215 challenge:


I think I pulled it off - leafless though these are (thought that would be too busy)


Random designer paper.  Wooden stamp - Stampin' Up 2005.  Flowers cut on my Silhouette SD.


I did a bit of organizing this a.m. as was expecting a guest and came across these little snaps and they made the ideal centers for the blossoms! 

What odd little item have YOU used on your creative project lately?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Noel Card

This is a second post for me today – just loved how this card turned out and wanted to share!  I’m not posting it for any challenge, just for the fun of it. 


I’m very sorry I do not know the name of this designer paper.  It is quite subdued and I was not sure how I would use it.  I created my own cut which is the face of the card with the lettering cut out – I then took the letters, embossed them with Versamark Dazzle and clear embossing powder and heated it.  I cut the star out using my Silhouette Sd – the star is more to an orangey gold than shows here.  I repeated the star in a smaller format in a dark brown and added a random star stickon element in the center. 


I clicked a second photo to show you how I enhanced baby Jesus with my latest favorite toy – a shimmery Gelly Roll.

Thanks for visiting!

November 11th

Do YOU wear a poppy
Let’s talk…

Let's visit THIS site today - so we never forget!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Sisters in Christ 114 Card and … Baking Bacon

I’m taking this challenge with my sister in law Judy today.

Peggysue Turner chose this week’s scripture:

Scripture: Genesis 3:6 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.”

Why not visit the Sisters in Christ blog site to explore the follow up to the scripture and read why today’s challenge to us is:

Challenge:  Dig in your stash and use one of your oldest stamp sets, one that hasn't seen any use for a long while.



I dug into my Christmas supplies and found this stamp.   I don’t believe I’ve even used this stamp yet – it was a gift to me when I first started making cards.  I stamped  with a versamark watermark stamp and then I embossed it with black powder and then I baked it with the heat gun.  I also used some inkadinkadoo chalk on the layer underneath, to reflect some red onto it and break it up from being “blocky”.



Speaking of baking, I made delicious “wraps” tonight and they were filled with blackened peppers, cheese, fresh basil and rosemary, olives and crispy crispy bacon.  I love bacon and I love it crispy but I don’t love cooking it.  I dislike having to stand over the frying pan and have the aroma waft up and nest in my hair making me smell like a stack of bacon.  I don’t care to get slatted on with hot little nips.  So I’ve experimented with many methods to simplify the method and get freed up from hovering.  Here’s what I do – I take a large baking pan (could be a cookie sheet) and I line it with foil.  Then I fold about 2 sheets of newspaper and lay that down.  I actually sprinkle it with a little water (don’t want a bacon fire in the oven!)  Next, I invert two little ramekins on the newspaper.  Then I place a rack over them so that the bacon will be suspended above. 

I lay the bacon in strips (I cut the package in half first) and lay them on the rack.  I bake them in the oven at a slow temperature, somewhere between 325 and 350 and bake it until its perfectly brown and crispy. 

Clean-up is a breeze, just wash the rack and ramekins, roll the rest up and toss it away. 

Do you have a favourite and easy way to cook bacon?

Monday, November 07, 2011

Mojo 214 card, A Christmas Bells card and a FREE elment/cut for YOU!



This picture means nothing to you.  It was taken with my iphone and I did not have a steady hand, so I’ll explain.  It says I ran for one hour at “7” pace and made it 6.8 miles.  Now to some of you this will be ho-humm but for me its actually pretty amazing.  I was just going back through my blog and realize that way back in May of 2009 I began to have some problems with my feet.  (and my knees “crunch”)   Me, who loves to run.  Doesn’t like to run, but loves it.  My Mr and I have even run a few marathons.  Some of my very fondest memories are our late night runs (we live in a small community which rolls its pavement at night and its all quiet)  So, to lose the ability to comfortably run was a blow. 

And I thought my running days were over.

I did get a pair of inserts from the doctor and they did help quite a bit, but in the last little while, though I’m not saying I never have any pain at all – I can now run, comfortably at a good clip for an hour.  Woo!  Now my legs feel like elastics stretched tight hehe! 

So that's my  testimony for today! I’d love to hear how the Lord has allowed a healing in your life?

Random pretty blog post photo:


My Mr is used to hearing reports of me laying on the ground with my camera and sneaking pictures from a “bug’s view”  - soooo pretty last week.

It’s Mojo Monday.  I follow along with my sister Nina, sister in law Judy and my niece Samantha, and our special friend Valinda who I include in our circle -  family time!  


Julee (wagging my finger at you) this was a real effort for me first thing on a Monday morning.  Don’t you know I can’t hardly see through half shut lids or find my mouth with my coffee mug?  It is a lovely sketch, but quite busy.  It kept me hopping but I finally worked it out (after making, tearing down, reassemble – hmmmmmmmmmmmmm stick,paste, shift)  Yup, I managed.


I used various random designer papers and scraps.  I printed the sentiment and cut with my Silhouette sd.  The leaves are my own cuts.  I used a cut of ivory lace behind the sentiment. 

And then I created a new FREE cut and built a card to test it:


I love the idea of recycling so I cut these bells out of a Ghirardelli chocolates bag – the foil bits on the side of the package.  The (messy) embossed stamp is from a random wooden stamp, no ID on it.  The background paper is Websters Pages “your beautiful life”  I frizzled a green sheer ribbon with my heat emboss gun – gives it a shabby/vintage look which makes perhaps a few dots of stray embossing seem intentional… well sort of hay?

So I made this bell design for YOU.  It’s a back layer, a top layer (hole where the ringer goes) and then the ringer itself. 

I’ve provided it every which way ( I added in SVG after I made the preview) –  and I’m warning you, the svg’s are BIG – I did not know how to scale it down in inkscape, so you may have to do that yourself, sorry.   Please show and tell with me so I can share what YOU make with this element/cut file!  Just click on the graphic below to be taken to the download site.  I will also post this to the TABS up top for free download anytime in the future should you ever lose it!  Please don’t share the direct link with friends, have them come download it themselves. 


Sunday, November 06, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Sister–and a Free Festive Cut file for Silhouette SD


Happy Birthday Nina


That’s you on the left,

And me on the right,

The summer day was perfect,

The sun shiny and bright,

Our time together was quicksilver,

The days flashed by in such haste,

Time of sisterhood – easy and free,

In my heart I can still taste,

The sweet time we shared.


I could go on and on here Sis, but you’re not the sort who goes for that.  So I’ll make it simple here and just tell you that you’re my LITTLE sister, but you’re 10 feet tall in my eyes.  I love you!   I hope you have a fabulous birthday.



Here’s another feathered visitor in our neighbourhood these days.  I believe it is a woodpecker of some sort – there are many of these about as well as Flickers.  Just thought I’d share!

Speaking of sharing, I’d like to share a cut file with YOU today – in celebration of my sister’s birthday.  Sad thing is I’m not sure if her machine will cut this Sad smile  Still waiting on my vector software – my sweet husband is working on that! 



Nina loves buttons, so I created this Gingerbread Man and I was sure to design some teensy tiny buttons for him.  I’m pretty tickled with how he turned out.   I zipped up a folder containing all the pieces you need to make this delicious little feller.  I left him whole in one file, then broke down the separate pieces – body,  icing, buttons, bowtie, smile and eyes (though for my GB Man I used two golden gems)   I cut the buttons out of yellow cardstock and then I painted them with some glittery gold nail polish.  The background paper is October Afternoon’s “Very Merry Bake the Cookies”.

Enjoy – I’d love to see YOUR Gingerbread Man! 

Click on the graphic below to go to the download for Mr GB Man

Barb Derksen_Gingerbread Man

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