Thursday, December 08, 2011

Ohhh I forgot my FAVE

I somehow missed THIS to die for eye candy dessert!

(I pecked away like hansel and gretel... Off to the gym tomorrow!)


  1. Cream puff tree? Saw something like this at Costco and my mouth watered.

  2. Good afternoon Barb.:)
    I wouldn't have left it alone either.LOL It looks scrumptious!

    Your school luncheon looks yummy!:)

    LOVE your card!:)It shimmers too!!


  3. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! Someone is simply enjoying too much deliciousness over here sweetness!

    This girl LOVES to look, but her tummy has declared all out war on any food substance containing gluten. The holiday season shall not be he same without getting a little taste of this and a bigger taste of that ;)

    Barb love, I wish to thank you ever so kindly for your support in my mad endeavor yesterday. I got a late start, we did not win and wouldn't you know they would offer up what I have really had my heart set on today! ROFL!

    I summoned help once again, but via private messages on FB this time. If it is meant-to-be, it shall be!

    I am quite taken with all of your clever and beautiful creations, along with your diligence and faithfulness in keeping your Monday Mojo on track! You ARE amazing lovely lady :D

    Things are a bit crazy over here with the boys all preparing to head to North Dakota. So far, three of my sons and one of their friends are gearing up for the trek two weeks from now.

    Robert is waiting to hear back from the company. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as he remains hopeful that they will take him :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week dear friend. Christmas is right around the corner, we are having an early Christmas dinner with the boys and two of Robert's sisters this Saturday and I've yet to deck the halls :O

    Love and hugs,

  4. Well Aunty Barb i keep popping in but you are a very busy lady...i know :)
    Well just let you know i'm thinking about ya! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and please drive safe.

    love ya
    big hug


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