Monday, December 05, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Brothers and SIC Challenge #118


I’m hoping you all had a good weekend and a productive start to your week. 

First thing for me is wishing my brothers Barry and Bill (yep, twins) a Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Tuesday December 6th.  Hope you both get/got spoiled.  Each year that passes makes makes the times when I was a kid and you really were my BIG brothers seem like a fairy book story.  You don’t seem so big or scary anymore, in fact you both turned out to be nice guys and I’m proud to be your sister.  Me and the Mr. wish you the best year ever, not don’t disappoint us!

I “did” my second craft fair this past weekend with my friend Mel O who makes beautiful beeswax candles (she had people buzzing around our table for the lovely scents)  and her Mom made pretty crochet Travel Angels as well. 


Mel Candles

You can see some of her candles and angels here, but not Mel herself because (and we had such a giggle over this) not one picture of Melanie turned out good.  Every photo we opened up had her doing some sort of contortions with her face so I won’t embarrass her. 



I don’t know what I’m saying to this customer.  It looks like I’m saying come closer so I can grab you” or something.  I did not do that to my customers though, really.  I may look frightening and desperate in the photo, but I’m not.  I found my little teensy bird houses were a hit.

I took my Silhouette SD with me and did some demos, really created interest.  I even wound up creating some of my own designs and selling the cuts. 

I am SO touched by a post my bouncy, enthusiastic, encouraging friend Janice published this past week HERE …. awww it made me all weepy!  I love you, Janice, you know you’ve got a special place in my heart and there are many PLANS made yet to fulfill!  Thanks for your kind words and your always bubbly companionship, I treasure it!

Finally, I managed to fit in my Stampin’ Sisters in Christ card challenge  #118 Matthew 1:20-22 which I am doing in sync with my Sister in Law Judy

Scripture: Matthew 1:20-22, "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.' All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' which means, 'God with us.'"

ChallengeMake a card/project that features an angel, such as in the patterned paper, a stamped image, a charm, etc.

Here’s my take on this challenge:


This gorgeous angel came from Graphics Fairy.  I printed it off in deeply saturated color.  I backed her with gorgeous thick gold paper which my friend Marie saves for me from a brand of chocolates.  I covered the original stars in the picture with teeny stars I punched out of the same gold.  I have three layers of ribbon, a black sheer, a vintage light blue and then the royal blue wire ribbon.  I used a WalMart Merry Christmas block stamp, embossed with gold onto black cardstock.  I backed it with some black lace.  Its funny where that black lace comes in handy. 

Thanks for visiting! 


  1. oh wow love your card ...we both were on the same colour Blue...yes happy birthday boys did you say Barb ...oh ya you didn't. Have a great week Sil.


  2. and oh yes we to go Mel and barb at the craft sale girls were busy...


  3. Beautiful card Barb, love the blues and gold. Congrats on a successful second craft fair.. are you planning for next year already?

  4. Wow this is divine! Your image is perfect for this challenge - I love the Graphics Fairy Blog as well. Gorgeous colour too! Thank you for joining us at Stampin Sisters in Christ this week - we appreciate your suppport! {{{hugs}}}
    Linda SSIC Design Team

  5. OMGoodness this is so beautiful! LOVE the deep colors! Love the gold stars! Looks like you two had a blast at the craft show! Wish I could make bees wax candles! How fun! Thanks so much for playing along with us at SSIC!!!

  6. I often do demos of my knitting or crocheting with wire at fairs - draws a crowd, and they appreciate the work that goes into the pieces :)


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