Monday, November 07, 2011

Mojo 214 card, A Christmas Bells card and a FREE elment/cut for YOU!



This picture means nothing to you.  It was taken with my iphone and I did not have a steady hand, so I’ll explain.  It says I ran for one hour at “7” pace and made it 6.8 miles.  Now to some of you this will be ho-humm but for me its actually pretty amazing.  I was just going back through my blog and realize that way back in May of 2009 I began to have some problems with my feet.  (and my knees “crunch”)   Me, who loves to run.  Doesn’t like to run, but loves it.  My Mr and I have even run a few marathons.  Some of my very fondest memories are our late night runs (we live in a small community which rolls its pavement at night and its all quiet)  So, to lose the ability to comfortably run was a blow. 

And I thought my running days were over.

I did get a pair of inserts from the doctor and they did help quite a bit, but in the last little while, though I’m not saying I never have any pain at all – I can now run, comfortably at a good clip for an hour.  Woo!  Now my legs feel like elastics stretched tight hehe! 

So that's my  testimony for today! I’d love to hear how the Lord has allowed a healing in your life?

Random pretty blog post photo:


My Mr is used to hearing reports of me laying on the ground with my camera and sneaking pictures from a “bug’s view”  - soooo pretty last week.

It’s Mojo Monday.  I follow along with my sister Nina, sister in law Judy and my niece Samantha, and our special friend Valinda who I include in our circle -  family time!  


Julee (wagging my finger at you) this was a real effort for me first thing on a Monday morning.  Don’t you know I can’t hardly see through half shut lids or find my mouth with my coffee mug?  It is a lovely sketch, but quite busy.  It kept me hopping but I finally worked it out (after making, tearing down, reassemble – hmmmmmmmmmmmmm stick,paste, shift)  Yup, I managed.


I used various random designer papers and scraps.  I printed the sentiment and cut with my Silhouette sd.  The leaves are my own cuts.  I used a cut of ivory lace behind the sentiment. 

And then I created a new FREE cut and built a card to test it:


I love the idea of recycling so I cut these bells out of a Ghirardelli chocolates bag – the foil bits on the side of the package.  The (messy) embossed stamp is from a random wooden stamp, no ID on it.  The background paper is Websters Pages “your beautiful life”  I frizzled a green sheer ribbon with my heat emboss gun – gives it a shabby/vintage look which makes perhaps a few dots of stray embossing seem intentional… well sort of hay?

So I made this bell design for YOU.  It’s a back layer, a top layer (hole where the ringer goes) and then the ringer itself. 

I’ve provided it every which way ( I added in SVG after I made the preview) –  and I’m warning you, the svg’s are BIG – I did not know how to scale it down in inkscape, so you may have to do that yourself, sorry.   Please show and tell with me so I can share what YOU make with this element/cut file!  Just click on the graphic below to be taken to the download site.  I will also post this to the TABS up top for free download anytime in the future should you ever lose it!  Please don’t share the direct link with friends, have them come download it themselves. 



  1. love your card it was great chatting to you today..and working on cards. Boy those with the machines are getting some get gifts for free. Glad to hear about you being able to run again ...we serve an awesome God. have a great night.


  2. Good morning Barb:)
    Just popping in real quick before getting ready to take Christy for her ct scan.:)

    LOVE your COOL photo!! I agree..SOO PRETTY!!:)

    I LOVE this weeks sketch too and you did an AMAZING job with it!! I love how you recycle things you have found and use them on your cards!:)
    I am soo happy you are able to run again.I know how much it means to you.:)

    I have been healed INSTANTLY several times throughout my life.It never ceases to amaze me though.:)God is soo good!!

    Here are a few instances ...

    Appendicitis-when I was a child
    Severe sore throat
    Migraine headaches
    Fibroid tumor on my uterus.
    Praise the Lord!!!:)

    Thank you sooo much for the AWESOME bells!! I LOVE THEM!!

    Gotta get ready now...

    Huge hugs my dear friend!!:)


  3. wow your cards are amazing... Love those bells...

    thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment... Happy Crafting

  4. First off.....Congrats on your running :)
    That picture is absolutely beautiful.
    Your cards turned out Beautifully!
    Great job on your bells!

    Big hug!

  5. Stunning Barb, your cards are so beautiful. Love the Bells, thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Beautiful card! Love the lace. Thanks for playing Mojo Monday!!


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