Sunday, November 06, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Sister–and a Free Festive Cut file for Silhouette SD


Happy Birthday Nina


That’s you on the left,

And me on the right,

The summer day was perfect,

The sun shiny and bright,

Our time together was quicksilver,

The days flashed by in such haste,

Time of sisterhood – easy and free,

In my heart I can still taste,

The sweet time we shared.


I could go on and on here Sis, but you’re not the sort who goes for that.  So I’ll make it simple here and just tell you that you’re my LITTLE sister, but you’re 10 feet tall in my eyes.  I love you!   I hope you have a fabulous birthday.



Here’s another feathered visitor in our neighbourhood these days.  I believe it is a woodpecker of some sort – there are many of these about as well as Flickers.  Just thought I’d share!

Speaking of sharing, I’d like to share a cut file with YOU today – in celebration of my sister’s birthday.  Sad thing is I’m not sure if her machine will cut this Sad smile  Still waiting on my vector software – my sweet husband is working on that! 



Nina loves buttons, so I created this Gingerbread Man and I was sure to design some teensy tiny buttons for him.  I’m pretty tickled with how he turned out.   I zipped up a folder containing all the pieces you need to make this delicious little feller.  I left him whole in one file, then broke down the separate pieces – body,  icing, buttons, bowtie, smile and eyes (though for my GB Man I used two golden gems)   I cut the buttons out of yellow cardstock and then I painted them with some glittery gold nail polish.  The background paper is October Afternoon’s “Very Merry Bake the Cookies”.

Enjoy – I’d love to see YOUR Gingerbread Man! 

Click on the graphic below to go to the download for Mr GB Man

Barb Derksen_Gingerbread Man


  1. Happy Birthday Nina!
    Love the picture of the two of you.

    That gingerbread man is absolutely adorable. You did a fabulous job on him. Beautiful card as well it is fabulous.

    Thanks for sharing


  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA!! May your wish come true!!

    Barb,..I LOVE your COOL pic!!:)

    What a CUTE Gingerbread man!! Thank you so much for sharing him with me.:) Your card is so sweet!

    Hoping Miles gets your Vector program working for you again real soon. I know how you must be missing it.:(


  3. I love that picture Sis, Thank you so much for the wonderful bithday wishes and the fabulous gingerbread man cut out. Not much in the way of crafting happened on my Birthday, I had plans but in the end only partly made a card.


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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