Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mojo 216 and Stampin' Sisters in Christ 116

Our first big snowfall all melted away today.  Very gloomy outside.  Windy.  I notice the wind comes up the lake from the south in the winter - its almost always opposite during the summer.  Never mind, I am all cuddled up inside and crafting and it can storm out there all it wants, nothings going to pry me out of my little crafting comfort corner. 

The other not so fun thing that happened this week was our phone line and internet biting the dust for a day.  I thought it was due to a power bump but it was actually due to...




Mmmm hmmm - sure he's eating something nice and innocent here but apparently he and his buddies have an especial appetite for power lines!  And so he's been nibbling away at ours to the point we now have to have a loooong line replaced. 

It was very funny - the telephone tech was just asking if we had squirrels when we heard this very angry "chi chi CHI!!!" and Shreddie took one look at the tech and scrammed.  Why Shreddie you ask?  Well thats because his side-dish used to be my patio furniture, the material parts.  It sounds like there's not much one can do for these pesky little critters, specially when we have bird feeders out.  I have a feeling this costs the telephone and cable companies a pretty penny.  

Ok, so on to cards. 

I'm doing this weeks Stampin' Sisters in Christ number 116 - Job 13:15 with my sister in law Judy.  

ChallengeMake a card of praise using music, stamp, or design paper, or just the word "praise."

Here is my version of this challenge:


Background dp:  Dragonfly Duet by Graphic 45

Stamp - Wooden, no branding on it. 

I cut the image on my Silhouette SD 

Mojo Monday # 216



I turned this design on its side for my card.  I had a request come in for me to create a sympathy card.  The person who died was involved with diamonds in their business - and this card is going to his widow and family.  I decided to create a "giving" card.  A "giving" card for me is one when I know it will not be mailed, so I can make it as big and fat and extravagant as I want to.  I have people donate their discarded jewellery bits - broken necklaces, earrings etc - and these make fabulous additions to some cards. 




I figure the diamond says it all - I included the following poem inside - which you can find HERE along with a beautiful little movie.  I thought the diamond glints on snow part was appropriate. 

Sympathy - Do Not Stand

Do YOU have a favourite poem or sentiment or site for these which you can share with me? 

Thanks so much for visiting me today!


  1. love your cards ..SIC is nice doing it with you. They will love the card Barb...way to go ..the diamonds shine. Have a great day.


  2. This is my idea of a perfect Christmas card. I love the kings silhouette. My craftrobo has just died and am hoping to have a new silhouette for Christmas, so I shall look out for this template. Kate x

  3. Both of these are gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at Stampin Sisters in Christ,

  4. Good morning Barb:)
    I LOVE both of your cards!Your Heaven and Nature sings card is AWESOME with the musical notes for a background and the Three WISE men and the sentiment with a star!!SO COOL!The pretty bow just tops it all off perfectly!!:)
    You did an EXCELLENT job on your Mojo Monday card too the jewels and poem are wonderful. The recipient will truly be blessed by your gift of love. Love the way you turned the card.Gonna have to try that myself.:)
    I have a squirrel story too.:) One day my MIL and I were standing out in the yard (we lived out in the woods at the time) and all of a sudden we heard a huge pop..and ziiiiiittt...and we saw something fall to the ground.It was an unfortunate squirrel who had touched the terminal at the top of an electric pole.:( Fried him but good.:( Made me wonder how often that happened when we didn't know it.If your squirrel is still going around chewing electric cords...you may not have him as a problem much longer.Pout!:( There is no way I know of to let them know of that danger.KWIM?
    The only poem I know of that I really love for sympathy cards is the one the Lord gave me for my Daddy. Here's the first part of it

    My Dad's gonna walk with angels
    on streets that are paved with gold.
    He'll visit with our Savior and
    learn of things untold.
    He'll be free from pain and sorrow,
    All his agonies will cease
    And the things that tormented him
    will turn into sweet peace.

    Thank you Lord for comforting my heart.:)

    May I have another piece of paper please?LOL Just kidding.I think my time is up now.:)

    Have a WONDERFUL day my friend!


  5. Beautiful card's Aunty Barb! I had the same idea as you for Mojo...not that i have got mine done yet.
    I think you make some wonderful stuff with your little machine.

    I'm sorry i don't have a special something to share but if i ever do i will share :)

  6. I was going to say we did the same thing, with combining our challenges, but I see you made two different cards - and I am lazy and made one to suit both challenges! haha! Great work!

    Visiting from Mojo Monday
    Please stop by and say hello!
    xo Kristina

  7. Love the silhouettes on the sheet music. Gorgeous card. I loved the story about Shreddie. This week Shreddie's cousins a couple of beavers shut down the major bridge over the Mississippi river near my house because they had chewed down a power pole and power lines were on the bridge. Thanks for sharing with the Stampin' sisters in Christ.

  8. Morning sis, I am obviously way behind on my commenting. Very nice Christmas scene you created for the Sisters Challenge, the Mojo card is very elegant and I love the jewels.


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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