Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Appreciating our RCMP - Just DAYS left to vote!

Thank you to all who have been helping to keep this PEPSI REFRESH GOOD IDEA rolling.  We are still "a ways" from the top, but anything is possible.  I've seen miracles happen in my life, and who knows, with YOUR help this could be one! 

If YOUR life has been touched by the kindness of a Police Officer, then would you please take a moment out of your busy day to VOTE on my Pepsi Refresh GOOD IDEA, which is (if its your first visit here) that we host an appreciation luncheon for our Police Officers.  IF enough votes come through then Pepsi will foot the bill to throw a $25,000 appreciation bash to honour our Police and their families (CANNOT forget the families who stand behind our Police Force!)   

Its DEAD SIMPLE to vote - just go to http://www.refresheverything.ca/honorourrcmp and vote.  You don't have to be a resident of Canada  - AND you can VOTE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, once a day.  We have less than a week.  If you think this is a GOOD IDEA too, then pass this address along to your friends and FAMOUS people with LOTS of contacts and lets have this happen!  Ask your friends to post on their facebook/twitter etc. 

And THANK YOU, even IF we don't make it to the TOP then it will still send a good message to our Police Force that we appreciate what they do!

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