Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Where've I Been?

Know what happens when I don't blog regularly? I get TMI (too much information) Everything in moderation, right? For when I write almost daily sometimes I am scrambling to leave a few words that might entertain or educate anyone. I think I will simplify things by catching up with the last week or so.


Me and My Sister Nina


altered frame: kbFramers4 CU (visit KimB to purchase)

I look forward all year long to a visit with Nina, my sister (she has a blog too!) and I blank off a week and do not lift a finger to housework (it looked pretty shabby here by the time she left!) We always make so many plans when she comes we fill each day from sunrise to sunset. Its a very special time to me - I only have one sister!

One exhausting thing we tackled for the second year in a row was to make salsa. We doubled up our tomatoes this year and wound up making MANY dozens of small jars of salsa between us. We had two canners going full steam and got tired feet and all sweaty despite air conditioning! We wound up with a mix of peppers, tomatoes and onions left over to freeze for soups etc which I know I will fully appreciate in the depth of winter.

Nina is a amazingly talented at making cards - the real (tactile) paper sort that you want to frame and hang on the wall. She brought along (and blessed me with) supplies and we built a few together. What a huge learning curve for me! I have a new appreciation for anyone who does real paper cards in this manner. I've built a few on my own now and I must confess it took me about 1.5 hours for each card. Compare this to whipping a digi-card off in something like 20 minutes... But, I am hooked!

I loved our time together Sis!

We were also blessed with a visit from my brother Bill and my Sister in Law Maggie. We have not visited for several years and so appreciated them stopping in. Thanks for the nummy Chilliwack corn (Chilliwack, BC is famous for growing super sweet corn) and for the stunning framed photograph. (see Bill's gallery here) Hope you are having a good and safe journey and perhaps see you on you return trip!

I am now looking forward to a BIG visit with my parent In-Laws (something in the order of two weeks!) and then a few precious days with my Sister in Law Judy.

So you see that my social calendar is stuffed to overflowing! My cup of Family runneth over. Life is good. other than hot/cold flashes, night sweats, restless leg syndrome and emotional meltdowns due to menopause


So since my sister went home I've been inspired to compile all my collection of found, bought and gifted scrapbooking supplies and to organize them. I am more than a little puffed at this solution to my ribbons. It will do until I find a permanent answer to storage.

this is a box from a computer monitor so its large and not too deep. I cut cardboard 'dividers' and fit them to create 5 sections. I then cut an additional cardboard for each section which holds rolls of ribbon and I folded them into a V so that the ribbons don't shift or fall over in the rows.

I've also begun a TO CLEAN list before my In-Laws arrive, repackaging frozen cherries into freezer bags and have been baking scones - a lot. I'm going through a scone phase.

I will be coming to visit all you - if I've not been by for a while please forgive me! Thanks to an especial some of you who are SO faithful to visit me, it means a lot especially when I'm going through an emetional menopausal moment or two


  1. Isn't mentalpause fun? (please note I am being extremely sarcastic) ROFL

    This summer has been uncomfortable with hot flashes and night sweats and I really feel bad for my poor hubby who listens to me vent my emotions off...and to think I have another 30 years of this to go...Pfffttt.

    Miss you dolly!!

  2. sounds like lots of fun ...yes can't wait for our time together... yes the chilliwack corn is good...glad to hear Bill and Maggie got a visit in and sounds like it was a fun evening. Yes well we all know tha menopause thing it is the pits. Have a great week...chat to you soon


  3. Sounds like you and your sister had a great time! Hope you enjoy the rest of your family visits as well. Don't work too hard in the kitchen ;) And you can always vent here! We'll listen (or read, as the case may be). Take care my friend!

  4. Sorry about your struggles with the "change" - hope it's not too difficult for you! Glad you had such a wonderful time with your sister - and your organization project looks awesome. I may need to start on mine soon.... It's so good to hear from you!

  5. Aww mommmyyyyyy! You poor thing!.. I love you!!!

  6. Ps.. This is Dotter... The one that you had to stop cuddling when I was there because of your hot flashes... Remember? I'm still crying... Hah.. JUST TEASING..

  7. Good Morning Barb:)
    I finally have a few minutes to come see you.:)
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family.There's nothing like having loved ones around!!:)
    Sooo sorry you are having a hard time with menopause.I agree..it's the pits..BIG TIME!!!:(
    You did a great job on your ribbon box.:) I can't tell from the pic..but did you use dowel rods? I have mine on rods and can roll the amount of ribbon off as needed.:)
    I would love to see your hand made papers.hint hint.I bet it is FUN even though time consuming.I have seen it done at fairs etc and they always looks soo cool!
    Your homemade salsa sounds sooo good.I have never canned anything.Honest! But would love to spend a day WATCHING you!!LOL
    Enjoy your time with your family...and have a wonderful weekend my friend!!

    Love and hugs,

  8. Hi Hi HI! My busy busy friend! Glad you're getting in oodles of family time! Fun that you're accumulating some *real* scrapbooking / cardmaking supplies. Ribbons & eyelets & embellishments - they get addictive. Mine has been all tucked away for a looong time. Hope to have room to pull it all out once more some day! Missing your face. HUGS n SNUGS

    Hmm - its been so long since I blogged I can't remember my username. LOL - so I have to post anonymously - but in case you're wondering - its BECKY :)


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