Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My S(ister) I (in) L(aw) goes to the pack-ing-house!

My SIL Neti stopped in on Monday on her way home to Sparwood. I guess every time we talk I mention a visit to our local fruit packing house as a local attraction and 'must do' when one is in town. So she made some time for us to do that on her way home.

But before we hit the packing house we stopped at a local fruitstand where the canning tomatoes look as good as the supermarket ones and only cost 25 cents a lb! Really.


Neti and her tomatoes - and cactus!

I mention the cactus because the fruit stand doubles as a nursery as well - and hothouse so when Neti spied the cactus she immediately gravitated toward them. She likes cactus!

Yesterday she sent me this photo showing me what she does with her tomatoes to be able to enjoy them in the middle of winter.

neti toms

By placing them on a cookie sheet and then bagging them when the slices are frozen, they will not stick together. It will be like having a bit of summer in her cooking in the dead of a loooonnnng Sparwood winter!


Then it was on to the fruit packing house. It really is an eye opener to visitors.


Its all 25 cents a lb. There were even a few bins of peaches this time. There were plums, pears and several varieties of apples, including one type I've never tried before called Sunrise. It all depends what is in season and they are sorting here. For instance, when my Mother in Law went on Friday there was only a bin of very sorry looking peaches with many bruises etc, and yet this Monday when Neti and I went the peaches were fabulous!

Ok - so what's the catch?

The fruit you buy in your supermarket - its all perfect and polished. A nice 'fit in your hand' size with no blemishes. The apples here are the 'ugly ducklings'. They could have a bit of 'scale' (sort of like a scab for fruit skin) or marks from hail or a small split, or bruise. Sometimes the thing that stops them from making it to your supermarket is because the are too small or too BIG.

How do you preserve or deal with fruit or vegetables you buy or are given?


  1. omgosh! I sure wish I lived closer! We would be buying up and making jelly and salsa for DAYS!

    Ok, when can I come visit?! LOL!

  2. Good Morning Barb:)
    Looks like you hit pay dirt!!LOL Wow!!25 cents a lb?? No wonder you can!!!:)I "can" too..I go to the grocery store and get as many cans of fruit and veggies as I can afford that week.hehe Honestly..I have only ever "watched" canning being done.They say you are never too old to learn though.Right?:)My Mom did canning when we were too young to even care.I don't remember her doing that may be the reason I don't??:)My MIL did grape jelly and jam from her Muscadine(ms) grapes on the vines on her fence.That is ..if she could collect them before the birds and wild animals got to them.:)
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!!

    Love and hugs,

  3. Wow! the packing house looks amazing.. I would love to shop at a place like that!
    I have never tried to freeze tomatoes.. interesting ;o)

    have a beautiful weekend Barb xx


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