Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!


I'm now 18,628 days old. Translated this means 51 years. How encouraging to see a lady on tv today who was 102, my life may only be 1/2 over!

My Mr. got into my scrapbooking supplies this a.m. before the sun came up and the birds even began looking for worms to make me a card! I will have to take a pic for to show you! He's pampered me like mad, along with the gift of having my in-laws be here for my special day. They all took me out for a birthday breakfast where I indulged in a strawberry and whip cream smothered waffle! Back to the gym tomorrow!

Thanks to my sister Nina for making me a very beautiful card and all the LOVELY pretties you sent me for making my cards! I can't wait to play - keep your eye out on your mailbox soon. I love you more than words can say. Click on Nina's graphic to see her card!

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And to my constant encourager and thoughtful Sister in Law Judy for your phone call and lovely layout on your blog as well, and the phone call today! Click on her blog graphic to see the sweet peek-a-boo layout she created for me. She's also got some photos of flowers she's taken that are worth checking out! Looking forward to our visit.

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And thank you to our daughters, and brother Bill and sister in law Maggie for your email as well! I feel very very loved!


    Well..I don't have to hope you had a good one..cause I KNOW you did!!:)
    How often do you have bdays? Cause I thought you just had one the other day!!LOL Can it already be a year?? WOW! They do tend to come faster after the big 50.hehe
    Sounds like you had lots of love from family and friends today.How sweet! A strawberry and whipped cream waffle...mmmmm.:) Sounds delish! Beautiful cards too!
    Enjoy the rest of your wonderful day!:)

    LOVE and hugs,

  2. Happy Birthday to You!!! Sounds like you had a great one ... spring chicken that you are. Ha.

    We leave for the coast tomorrow but won't be doing our regular trip back through the Okanagan this time. We need to take Mingus to Kelowna on the 28th as he is getting "fixed" by a vet there on the 29th. Poor guy. But it was part of the deal when we bought him so snip, snip it is.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening to the utmost.

  3. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to you!! HUGS! :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Barb! Hope you have a fabulous one!

  5. I'll say Happy Birthday even though I don't believe for one second that you're 51:)

    And I'd imagine any day could be good reason for that cake!!!

  6. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SWEETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm sure your cake was tasty too!!!!!!!!
    My youngest son Jace turned 26 on Monday!!!!!!! LOL
    HUGE GIANT HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Happy Happy belated wishes for yesterday, glad to hear Mr Miles has been pampering you, it is well deserved.. can't wait to see what card he created for you.. sounds like a fun breakfast you had, hope the rest of your day followed beautifully too!

  8. Well sis glad to hear you did share the ice cream cake ...I know you would get spoilt rotten. You deserve it ...can't wait for our visit either...fun fun ... :)

    loves and hugs


  9. I was looking for you on Yahoo yesterday... but alas we weren't ever on at the same time. :(

    I hope you had a great day!

    I honestly count the days til I get to see you again... even though IDK when that is.

    I miss ya. I love ya.

    Happy Belated Bday my friend!!!!~G

  10. I hope your birthday is fantastic! You deserve a day of pampering.

    Happy, happy birthday, Barb!!!

  11. Oh Happy be-lated birthday Barb!

    It sounds like you enjoyed your day! I think you had the Canadian hot spot today boy was it a cooker. Now were in for a storm.

    I'm thinking about making zuc jam, I didn't know such a thing was possible until you mentioned there are recipes on the net.



  12. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was as wonderful as you are!!!


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