Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reluctantly, to say the least...



6:30 a.m. 

Those are my heels as my Mr. dragged me into the gym.  OF COURSE I was thrilled once it was over.  Wondered why on earth why I go so reluctantly. 

I suspect this cycle will repeat for the next few days. 

Had a fun day with my in-laws.  We had lunch and did some grocery shopping in the USA.  Living on the border has its perks.  I can find some brands and items we can't get on our side of "the line".

Canned peaches with my Mom-in-Law yesterday. 

I learned that she is "old school" while I am "new school".  We do things very differently than each other.  There are some good points to each other's methods and I'm glad I got to watch her.  She only made  a dozen pints so it was not as bad as I had feared it would be.

Mom said that she was unable to buy the wide-mouth mason jar sealers down at the coast because canning is so popular this year.

I also managed to freeze two more cookies of frozen peach slices.  They will be delicious in the winter in my smoothies.

My favourite smoothie of the moment is a concoction of peach, kiwi, fig and orange. 

Have YOU done any canning this year?  Do YOU have a favourite smoothie?  Has YOUR mother in law passed any valuable hints on to you?


  1. sounds like fun ....gym 6:00 a.m. oh no not me ...sounds like mom and you are having is neat when they teach you old ways..

    hugs to all


  2. Canning? 5 jars of bread and butters, 2 jars of beet pickles, 11 jars tomato sauce. That's it.

    My MIL does not cook ... no valuable tips from her. She doesn't even really clean. Lucky she has Colleen living with her to do it all!!

  3. Good morning Barb...and MOM:)
    You two have me drooling..may I have a napkin please? :)
    Those peaches look delicious and makes me wish I had some.mmmmm:)
    So ..are you gonna make a peach cobbler with those gorgeous peaches and then go to the gym again..especially after you have added a scoop of vanilla ice cream?LOL
    If Jim was to drag me to the gym that early in the morning..I would have to rub the sleep out of my eyes and grab a house coat.LOL
    Thanks so much for sharing your day with us...sounds like fun!!

    Love and hugs,

  4. Your peaches look delicious. I used to do a lot of canning; but don't anymore.

    And good for you that you are going to the gym and getting some exercise.

    Have a great Friday!

  5. Hi Barb,

    I too have been in the canning or I should say jamming mood, this year as xmas gifts I have made about 50 jars of jam, apricot, cherry, apricot& pineapple, peach, made also cherry pie filling and now waiting on the grapes if I'm lucky to get some from my aunt for grape jelly.

    I have zuccinni buy the ton and not sure what to do with it

    I should try zuccinni jam?

    Your peaches are lovely, I froze mine this year and cots too.

    Big year for me, the domesticated Lucy Ball.




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