Monday, September 21, 2009

Dad's Visit and Giving You the Moon!



Dad and Mom left for home this morning.  It was awfully quiet and lonely in the house for a short while - that is until my Sister in Law Neti stopped in for a bit - but more on this in my next post. 

When our folks were here we tried to take in some of the local highlights and one thing we think that Dad especially enjoyed was a visit to the Observatory Bed and Breakfast - not to stay overnight but to take a 'tour of the night sky' with the owner, famous astronamer Jack Newton.


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The Observatory Bed and Breakfast is located atop Anarchist Mountain, high above the town of Osoyoos.  It features stunning panoramic views of the entire lake and community.  That in itself would be worth the stay, but besides this there is Jack's observatory which is built right into the house! 

For a small fee, Jack will give a tour of the night sky - basically giving you a guided look out to the night sky, pointing out the stars and galaxies - allowing you to view it all through the huge telescope he has.  If you are even more adventuresome you might pay a few extra dollars and have a photographic tour which allows you to use of his digital camera which is attached to his telescope.  This enables you to take your OWN photos of the stars and night sky! 

If you ever come to our beautiful community this is a 'must do' for your agenda.  The tours happen only from June to October because the rest of the time Jack and his wife spend down in a small community in Arizona which they founded - and you guessed it, its a community of avid astronomers!  

To find out more Just click on the graphic of the Observatory Bed and Breakfast above!

At any rate, I'd booked the tour for my Mr. and his Dad alone for some good old one on one, father and son.  Mr. and I have been on the tour before and so I knew it would be fantastic.  What sort of things do you do when you bring guests to town?

In honour of Dad's big adventure I'm giving you the moon!  I created this full 12 x 12 jpg paper and a stand alone (BIG) moon png.  These items would be useful for any of your star-gazing projects.  Enjoy!  Just click on the graphic for downloading.




  1. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing. re your comment - you also don't have to dust your friends!

  2. I love it , thanks a lot !

  3. Bonjour,
    Thank you very much to give us the moon !! ;)
    Once i stayed in the home of an astronom...i couldn't even understand the titles of his books !!
    The sky you're showing us is so bright with the stars light !!
    Here we can't see any because of the town's lights.
    Once again merci beaucoup for this original and beau-ti-ful embellishment !
    C from Paris :D

  4. Hey Mrs. Miles,

    Now there's a place D would like to stay at. He is ALWAYS interested in the night sky. Maybe next year.

  5. How cool it that! I think we will have to get a tour in with the girls one day, we watch many programs about the universe, and my boy is very much the space buff.
    So much so he took a science test to see how much he knew and he got 100% on the quiz. I like the idea of a father and son trip, Mr. may not be his bio dad, but they do love each other like father and son.

    I picked up the moon element, Thank you, many times i have tried to take moon photos but they never work out well now I can add the moon to my

    HUGS and take care.


  6. Good afternoon Barb:)
    Wow!How COOL! :) So glad you all had such a great time with your family. I for one .. have really missed you.:( I tried real hard not to bother you while you had visitors.:) Did I do good? Hehe
    Thanks sooo much for giving us the moon!

    Love and hugs,

  7. I love your moon!! What a terrific idea for many pages. YOu have my mind whirling as opposed to it's usual grinding! Thank you for the download.

  8. what sounds like a fun tour to do.
    love the layout and thank you for the freebie ...I will have to try it out . have a great night


  9. Good morning Barb!!!!!!!!!
    Boy that sounds so AWESOME & what a treat it was!!!!!!!!!
    LOVE the photos too!!!!!!!!!
    TY so very much for this MAGNIFICENT goody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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