Sunday, March 01, 2009



I’m simply broken this morning.  I feel so humbled that my God loves me.  He knew me before I was born.  He knew the mistakes I would make, the joys I’d have. 

He watched me mess up – and He waited by the door for me to welcome Him in, to help me clean up the mess.  He did not stand there and observe as I cleaned up the debris, but He worked with me, by my side, and then He became part of me.  I’m still a work in progress but He walks with me and the more I pour out my imperfections to Him – the more He helps me to walk in His ways. 

Each and every day.  Thank you, Lord, for loving this sinner and rewarding me with your utter love and compassion. 

Are you at a place where YOU need to invite the Lord into help you ‘spring clean’?  There’s nothing you’ve done that He’s not willing to forgive.  His fingers “this far” from the doorbell – won’t you let Him in?



Forgiven me

I hold a memory of myself
Reflections of what I used to be
These broken roads that brought me here
They make it hard to face reality

But a new day is here
It's time that I embrace it
Can't wait another day
Right now I gotta face it

I never ever wanna press rewind
Never wanna go back in time
Not much glory
In that story but it's mine so I'm
Loving who I am today
Past has past away
Finally I have forgiven me

I hold a memory of myself
So young and foolish and not knowing
Careless decisions that I made
I wish somebody would have told me

But a new day is here
It's time that I embrace it
Can't wait another day
Right now I gotta face it

I never ever wanna press rewind
Never wanna go back in time
Not much glory
In that story but it's mine so I'm
Loving who I am today
Past has past away
Finally I have forgiven me

The mirror on the wall it
Lets me see today that I'm
I'm not that foolish girl
Time has brought a change a
Transformation the old into the new
When I let go of me and held on to you

I never ever wanna press rewind
Never wanna go back in time
Not much glory
In that story but it's mine so I'm
Loving who I am today
Past has past away
Finally I have forgiven me


  1. Inspiring! Thank you for making me humble.

  2. awesome Barb these eyes Lord the heart to seek you Lord and each day I see that in you ...God Bless you and Miles today and always you SIL


  3. I love your heart! and I love you.

  4. Good morning Barb:)
    Awesome song!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.!!!:)God is soo GOOD!!!
    I stopped by last night but your blog had disappeared.You must have been updating it then.:)
    I had a really busy weekend.You must have too cause I missed you!!:(
    It SNOWED yesterday!! I mean HERE!!hehe brrrr..:)

    Love and hugs,

  5. Thank you for sharing such WONDERFUL testimony! :) Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a beautiful song my friend! Thanks for sharing! Definitely makes you stop & think about the goodness of God. I am so thankful for His saving grace. Thank you for the reminder!


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