Monday, March 09, 2009

My Thrifty Buys


We took a quick trip down to the coast this past weekend to spend some time with our folks.  Our Dad wanted some help from Mr. Miles to move some stuff off to the dump and various things so it was a good opportunity to do this.  We drove down on Thursday afternoon and were fortunate with good weather the entire way. 

Mom always feeds us like there is no tomorrow – this weekend was no exception.  We devoured an entire turkey and trimmings together over the few days, along with our Sister and kids. There was Chocolate Cream Pie and Strawberry Slice and Chocolate Chip cookies, and Peanut Butter Cookies and little almonds in their soft shells that you can peel with your fingers, and baby manderin oranges and… you get the picture {groan, work out all week!}

While Mr. and Dad were busy, my Sister in Law and I tore up the pavement going to yard sales and stores, something that bonds us like nothing else can. hehe.  The following are some of my terrific buys!



Pretty Ribbons – can never get enough now that I’ve gone hybrid with making cards, right?  I paid about $2 for 8 rolls.



Gorgeous lace – this stuff is something like 6 inches tall.  I can TOTALLY see a strip of black lace incorporated in a sympathy card.  {on the other hand its sort of sensuous too?}  These cost $3 – about 5 yards of each.



Nice, soft and pretty stationary set.  Perfect for a quick spring note!  Yes, only $1.



And these lovely waxes would make a stunning finish when sealed on the back of an envelope!  Would you believe a mere 25 cents?


And while I am scrapping away… some nice music to listen to.  Ok, I’ve not confessed this here before, but I have been guilty of downloading and ripping music from like other CD’s etc?  Ahhh … for instance the library?  For instance I always found some way to justify it?  Until about three weeks ago, when I suddenly found I could not listen to and enjoy the music anymore.  I just could not feel right about it anymore.

So, I prayed about it and then deleted every single music file off my computer and ipod that I did not personally buy.  Yep, several THOUSAND songs.  And yes, my poor ipod seemed so vast and empty afterward, but I have given it to the Lord – He will supply!  And how cool to find 9 CD’s for $9 this past weekend. 




This will be something fun for me to do with my Mr. one cold day.  {like in the next few days as we are having record low temps!}  I don’t think I’ll manage to get him to wear the little foot socks though. 



These were the HIGHLIGHT of my shopping spree, for sure!  Two brand new Sugoi biking shirts for me and Mr. – matching!  They have a mountain scene on them and the pockets on the back to tote water and snacks.  These were a paltry $2.50 apeice.  Really.



These are the FUNNEST thing I bought.  They are little toothpick things that have an eensy weensy ‘bottle brush’ end on them with a wire in the middle.  They come with a cap with air holes in it so it dries out in between uses.  Interesting alternative to regular toothpicks.  Oh yes, these cost a whole 25 cents too – from a discount store.

This is the end of my little show session.  Have YOU found any treasures lately?


  1. ok did you leave something for SIL ...heheheh:)..looks like lots of fun ..way to go girl ...and the food wow ..yummieeee

    will look for you


  2. Well you are the thrifty one! We never do so well. Looks like you had lots of fun ... nothing like a bargain to make one feel accomplished.

  3. You totally amaze me with the things you find. We dont really have anywhere here that has wonderul stuff like that. I need to go along the other little towns and check them out. It sounds like you have had great fun.

    Hugs... Joy

  4. GREAT finds!! don't you just LOVE a bargain!?! oh i sure do!! hehe Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL finds! it sounds like you had a FANTASTIC time with your parents! :) Have a WARM & BEAUTIFUL day!!

  5. Good Morning Barb:)
    WOW!! What finds!! Makes me want to rush out to the thrift stores again today.LOL You always find such cool stuff!! Especially the CD's..those can be so expensive and isn't it wonderful how the Lord blessed you with them?:)
    So glad you had a fantastic time at your folks.Sounds like they really took good care of you while there too.A turkey dinner...mmmm.:) That sounds yummy!

    Thanks for coming to see me.I ALWAYS LOVE your visits!!:) Oh..I don't know where my sis got the candles...but would really like to know myself.:)

    Love and hugs,

  6. I love yard saling too Barbs but I NEVER find stuffs like you do!!! Awesome goodies!!!

    -21*??? Oh that is just's 2 here today and pouring rain but its going to be sunny and 8!!! on Friday..perfect for the 6 hour drive to Ottawa..LOL

    Have a great week my friend!!

  7. None like that! You really did good on your shopping spree. Next time I´m in Canada I´m going to go to all the garage sales I can get to!

  8. Lovely finds, could use lace here, to deco photo albums for the girls! nice finds! you are the bargan QUEEN.

    Boy it's cold the river is iced up again.

    Sister got the web site info, we'll see what she does with it.


  9. thanks for all the work you do!
    I left you an award on my blog!

  10. Oh how fun! I love thrift store shopping and yard saling. Great buys are found that way! I think the stationary set was my fave. Very pretty.

    Take care my friend!
    Hope you are having a great week!


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