Monday, March 16, 2009




(click to view bigger)


  1. That is too funny my friend! It's another one of those things that make you go "huh?"

  2. ROFL!!! Now that dear Barb is a HOOT and just shows us how prone to err we humans are, eh? He, he ...

    Stopping by quickly to leave you some LOVIN' my friend, to thank you for your SWEET and LOVELY comments and that I hope to catch up with you on Yahoo soon as well. Tis the season of BUSY me thinks and with ALL that is going on with family and my new venture-to-be has me gasping for air at times! LOL! It's ALL good!

    SO happy to see you sharing your BEAUTIFUL photography with ALL of us - the Bulrushes are AMAZING!!!

    Wishing you a MOST fabulous week darlin'!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda :)

  3. Ha, some errors are hilarious. Mine tend to be of the "Intel Inside, Idiot Outside" variety.

    And thank you so much for your lovely comment, fingers crossed the weight loss goes well.


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