Thursday, March 26, 2009

Show and Tell (putting my hand up!) and a CU Freebie


Well, I've really missed taking part in Kelli's Show and Tell Fridays, so being as I actually am organised I will share something this week. If you would like to join in the fun you can by posting an item you would like to share, then visiting Kelli's blog and adding yourself to the links list. She's got a STUNNING embroidered pillow on display - a gift she won from her friend Jackie's blog! Blog land is so wonderful.

Today I'm sharing an item I bought yesterday at the local thrift store. I actually spent $8 there, which broke down into about 12 items, but I don't want to overwhelm so I will just display my funnest buy.


Such a cool little item - comes in a plastic container, with a recipe booklet. Well perhaps I can't really imagine myself making as many of these things as is displayed on the cover, but still...


Each little cutter has a plunger on the end, so that the shapes don't get stuck in the tubes.


Four fun shapes - I think these will be great for veggies, fruit, bread cubes (croutons) dough items or even cheese. I can also see cutting shapes out of beeswax for crafting!

And how much did this set me back? What would you say if I 'fessed it cost me 25 cents?

And since I've not created anything for a while, and because I'm feeling inspired and because my friend KIM B's Commercial Use Items ROCK... I'm giving you some sweet eggs for you to use in any way you wish. I've been playing with Kim's Commercial Use items and having a BALL. If you are a designer, or even a daring personal use scrapper who wants to lend your own flair to things, you simply MUST visit Kim to find out more about her many Commercial Use Products she has available.

I must confess, I forgot to include Kim in my TOU for the eggs but I DID use her lace and the ribbon for these eggs!

I'd LOVE to see how you use the eggs, if you would be so kind as to let me know, send me a jpg, layout etc? I'd feature you even!

(eggs are aprox. 5 inches high!)




  1. Barb these are beautiful, thank you for sharing and making them CU

  2. Wow, how cute are these little eggs! I will be by later to download thought I'd say hi and see what you've been up to...

    That little cutter is a very neat idea, you are the bargain Queen!

    We might be looking at getting a new computer an i-mac, the pc is giving us many troubles and I never used an i-mac before.

    Not sure how the software is like for scrapping and if I can even use freebie items etc.

    It should be easy once we get it but I hate learning something new, I always want quick results.

    Thank you in advance, and talk to you soon. HUGZ!


  3. Just on my way to bed and saw you on my blog roll darlin'!

    Hi Barb!!! *waving hand WILDLY*

    I'm with Lucy, you are the BARGAIN QUEEN and that is one of the few things I miss about being closer to civilization and NIFTY places to shop!

    I am LOVING your CU eggs and I think I just might have a use for them in my next project! How SWEET and CLEVER they are too!!! LOVE the lace and that is one of my favorite Kim bows! *wink*

    Thank you SO much for ALL that you do for ALL of us in SCRAPLAND dear friend! You ROCK!

    Catch you again soon - have a LOVELY day!

    Linda :)

  4. Morning Mrs Miles!!
    Your eggs are so cute!! There's an award waiting for you on my blog:

  5. Morning Barb, the cutters look interesting, the oval one could make some real cool easter biscuits!
    And your easter eggs are adorable, thank you for the share.

  6. The eggs are very beautiful, thank you.

    Those cutters are great, I'm sure you'll have great fun using them.

  7. You are such a great Bargain Queen!

    I can imagine making very cute sandwiches for a kids picnic with these.

    Thanks for the eggs - eggsactly what I needed! (groan - I know, it is a terrible joke)

  8. Those 4 adorable dishes for 25 cents!!!

  9. I really like finding bargains at thrift stores. You did good.

    My Show n Tell is about our Easter Lily. If you can find some time today, stop by, won't you? Happy Friday, happy weekend.

  10. Good Morning Barb:)
    How cool! I can't wait to see what you cook up with those cutters!!:)How fun!
    I need to get back out there to the thrift stores!! I miss it!!hehe
    I LOVE your eggs.Sooo pretty! Thank you so much for sharing them with me.:)
    Thanks for stopping by again.You are such a dear sweet friend!:)

    Love and hugs,

  11. 25 cents - bargain for those cutters.

    Noice eggs!

    xx Action Wolfe

  12. Morning Barb!!!!!!!!!
    TY for your visit & this MARVELOUS goody this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm off to babysit my seet little Kayla in a 1 1/2 & hope to get a few pics too!!!!!!!!
    HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. what a neat find; you'll have to keep us updated us when you make your first creation using your cutters. Cute eggs by the way!
    Have a great weekend.

  14. i LOVE the cutters and KUDOS on the price too! :) Thank you for sharing these AWESOME eggs! :) Have a FANTASTIC day!

  15. Thrift store 'hunting' is so fun! What a interesting find! Thank you for sharing:)

  16. These are fabulous sis, you always do an outstanding job. Thank you so much for sharing.

  17. Thank you so much for the beautiful Eggs, Barb!

    It looks like you had fun on your outing. I love that fancy shape cutter.

  18. Very neat!

  19. I like the eggs and what a bargain. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday. Here’s mine:

  20. I love the little cutters! What a bargain. And, heaven knows, I LOVE a bargain.


  21. Nice items that you bought and the eggs are very cute !

  22. You had some nice finds! I wish we had such thrift stores here. We do have second hands, but they are soooo stuffed with "junk" , that I never go there.
    I love your egg designs!

  23. You found some great deals!

  24. WOO HOOO Mrs. Miles visited my blog. I wanted to stop by and say thank you for stopping by my blog. I have admired your work for a long time and wanted you to know that I felt like a teenage first meeting their favorite rock start...woo hoo! Really thank you for taking the time and posting a comments.

  25. Hi, thank you for stopping by my Show and Tell. I really enjoy it now that I feel free to post about my little indulgences!

  26. I have missed your Friday show and tell. One of these days I will join in the fun - but for now... I will pop on over to your place. What an awesome find for a quarter. You and Shirley.... too cool.

    Love the eggs, too sweet, thanks for sharing.

    Expecting more snow Saturday. But the sun is shining today - so I will take it. LOL

    Be Well and have a great weekend.


  27. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Commercial Use post on Mar. 27, 2009. Thanks again.

  28. I just love your canape makers, they are so 1970's! Amazing that they are all there together and with their book.

    I'm a digi-scrapper, so thanks for the freebie too.

  29. Thank you! :) Your freebie has been advertised on "Le jardin de Mélisandre : Le paradis des freebies en CU".

  30. thanks for sharing your beautiful eggs

  31. Wow, those look like fun to use. You could make all kinds of things with them. I think I would like to use fruit best of all:) Thanks for joining in the Show and Tell!

  32. Very, very interesting!! And your eggs are cute. Thanks for stopping by today!

  33. What a great bargain! Be sure and show us what you make with it!

    Pretty eggs!


  34. Wow! Great buys!! Love it:)

    Your eggs are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us!

    Linda C

  35. What a useful little gadget ~ I have never seen anything like it. Looks like it will be fun to use. You will have to post some creative canapés I am sure you will be making :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment!
    Kindly, ldh

  36. Thank you - these eggs are gorgeous.

  37. The eggs are cute! And I love the shape cutters. I think they would be very useful!

    Take care my friend!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    And yes, I wish you lived closer too :o)

  38. That is such a cool find!

  39. Your little bargain makes me want to have a party and make some fancy canapes...

    Thanks for the eggs...very cute!


  40. Your eggs are too cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Have a blessed day!


  41. What great eggs! I love your thrift store finds....Have a wonderful weekend..Julie

  42. I love shopping at thrift shops. What a great find for 25 cents.
    The eggs are adorable too. I need to download the instructions. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Hi Barb!!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog.
    It has been a looooong time since I visited your blog. I remember when I was a Scrapbooking newbie I stopped by and collected all your wonderful freebies and enjoyed your blog. I so enjoyed your animals and nature elements.


  44. WOW - that was an amazing 25c buy

  45. hi barb!

    thanks so much for stopping by my scrapbooking blog.. it was a wonderful surprise! I am a big fan of your blog and thought I had you in my blogroll.. imagine my surprise when I saw I didn't :( You're there now!

    so honored you stopped by, thank you!

    and thanks for the eggs.. they are lovely!

  46. love the easter eggs and basket ..will use it to do a layout of Ethan for easter //make sure you post pictures using all the new items then will all look yummieeee


  47. Thanks for the cute eggs. A great season starter!!

    Love your purchase! What an interesting time you'll have stuffing things!

  48. What an interesting item! Can't wait to see all the ways you use it! The price was certainly good. Jean

  49. The little cutter gadget looks like it produces some very neat things. What a great price!

    Those glitter eggs are so pretty too. You are talented.

    Thanks for stopping by my kitchen table and leaving such a nice comment.

    God bless,


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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