Monday, March 23, 2009

My Fastest Post Ever & the answer is NO!

baking book 4w (Small)

This will be my fastest blog post ever as I have a dear friend coming over to craft and PLAY with me today.

I WON! - and I did not really know I'd entered to. Haha! My dear friend JanMary was hosting a St. Patrick's Carnival on her blog this past month and offered up all sorts of fun treasures as prizes. I'd not thought I'd enter for I received a LOVELY bag (and chocolate) from her last year. I just love to visit her blog as its always filled with encouragement, craft ideas, wit and fabulous photography. I just pop in there to 'get my fill' when I see a new post - so, imagine my surprise when I received an email saying I'd won this Irish Cook Book. I will surely enjoy it! Thanks JanMary!

And ... NO!

Mr. Miles is on the second week of spring break. He's spent the first week clearing up all sorts of projects - both work related and around the house and income tax and I don't know what-all... for I told him I'm taking the phone away from him and he's not to do anything but .... well, whatever he WANTS to do (which I suspect involves making music) So, we KNOW that we will be asked to do all sorts of things this week... but I'm going to be firm and say NO from the 'get go'

I'm taking the week to play too - so if you don't hear/see me, you'll know I'm not 'gnorning you, just playing.

Hope you are having a good day!


  1. Congrats on winning that cookbook! And have a fun time!

  2. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    How cool! Can't wait to see what you cook from your new prize.:)
    Hope you and Miles enjoy your time off.How fun!!:)Will miss you!!


  3. Glad you are so excited! Just to point out it is a LITTLE book, so don't build your hopes up too much!

    Enjoy your day. Kids now in bed, and my day will soon be over :)

  4. ok let me know when you got the cook book and I will plan my first visit ...know there will be some good cooking going on ...good now you and Miles relax and enjoy the sounds of some good music that man makes and the Lord will bless you both to you soon


  5. Yum! you'll have to show us some of the goodies you bake!

    I was to make Masa but my brother miss placed my mom's special bread pans she always used.

    My sister found them in the garage sale box of all things, so no Masa this week kids (masa is a portuguese sweet bread and you can find it sold at one of the stores there in your neck of the woods)

    So next time I'm in Penticton I'm going to rescue the pans!

    We are in the middle of spring cleaning here too.

    Off to get some kids fed and ready for bed.

    Hope your day of crafting went well...cheers!


  6. Hi Barbs!!!

    I'm stopping by quickly to thank you for visiting me whilst I was away! LOL! SHEESH, the things a girl will go through for a little vacation!!! HA!

    CONGRATS on the win of the Irish bread-making book and I am SOOO thrilled to hear that you and Miles shall be tuning out the busyness of life to savor his time off from school together doing FUN things!!!

    I look forward to your future shares in whatever your creative genius brings forth during your PLAYTIME darlin'!!!

    Leaving you some love sweetie and a BIG hug too,
    Linda :)

  7. Well have fun playing Barb... that's all i can say.. wish I was crafting wiv ya!

  8. count me in on some delicious cooking. I'm always up for something new!

    Congrats on winning!

    veterinarians melbourne fl


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