Thank you to all of you who left comments and also emailed me with get-well wishes, and also to say "Happy Anniversary!" I truly appreciated each and every single one.
I had prayed to be delivered from my cold for our weekend, and I was truly delighted for it happened completely - and timely.
I woke on wednesday - our 'official' anniversary, a very, very sick person. Though Mr. Miles and I exchanged cards and gifts I was not truly able to give it my total attention for I slept most of the day away in a weak stupor. I was completely stuffed up with a pressure in my sinuses and all the yuckness that goes along with it. This 'cold' really kicked the stuffing out of me!
Mr. Miles was trying to prepare me for the emotional 'crash' I might have had if I was not better, but I assured him that I was confident my prayer that we would find me healthy would be answered. He was amazed that I woke thursday COMPLETELY better. Not just breathing a little easier. Not just a LITTLE better, but absolutely 100% feeling good and eager, able to pack and plan for our little romantic getaway!
God is so good!
We had researched and chosen to return to a beautiful resort which we'd visited once before, several years ago. Its a nice, quiet time of the year and they have terrific packages on. Its very quiet and peaceful, though I suspect this changes for the Valentines weekend.

The resort sits on beautiful Okanagan lake and is situated high up on a hill, so the veiws are sweeping and romantic.

The first thing we did after gettting settled in is to go for a walk to the beach and hiking trails. As usual, you can dress me up but can't take me anywhere... within the first 5 minutes I'd managed to locate the muckiest point to take a photo from and walked around with something like liquid cement on the bottom of my shoes. Typical for me. I also took a good dive on the trail when the top layer of soil was melted with a slick sheet of ice underneath - and wound up with a mucky glove, pants and coat.

There's a long boat dock which I'm sure is jam-packed in the summertime. The walking trails begin from here.

My baby is so patient with me as I made him c.r.a.w.l. out onto the end of this slip for a photo shoot. The particular one I asked him to pose on was pretty rickety and he was not entirely impressed that he had to drop to his hands and knees. (yes, he looked both ways to make sure nobody could see)
I put out a display of old photos in our home recently, covering many of our years together and realized that Mr. Miles used to ALWAYS take photos of me, but as time slips away so did the amount of photos we took of one another. I vowed to change that.

Fair's fair - I did my own little crawl too!

I love this shot I got of my handsome one atop this rocky outcrop!

The view from the end of the trail!

The few reluctant last moments of our weekend - a bountiful breakfast in the restaurant, overlooking the lake and pools - one hot, one cold.
One especially nice touch to our time away, was that my dear friend Amalia had pressed a gift into my hand on Thursday when I saw her. It was a set of two cassette tapes, called Strengthening Your Marriage. Right, cassette tapes, those small square things with the brown ribbon inside? And the tapes were produced in 1990 - from Focus on the Family. But the neat thing is? We HAVE a cassette player (Amalia did not know this at the time) and I took the tapes along with us. We played one on the way up, and one on the way home. How powerful they were. How they ministered to us. How awesome. Marriage ministry NEVER grows stale! The recipe still remains basically the same - Hard work + commitment + trust + honesty + dedication + faith = a good, strong marriage. Its not about what your spouse can do for you, its about what YOU can do for your spouse.
Our time away gave us a real opportunity to connect and grow closer. It was a much needed break from everything we know and a wonderful time of refreshing. Your marriage is SO WORTH investing in! The best gift that Mr. Miles gave to me this anniversary was himself.
And it was sunny the whole time too! :)